Recent content by nolalady

  1. nolalady

    Upcoming/Recent Shows

    @debianlinux 👀
  2. nolalady

    Cute Animal Thread

    This spring, we found 2 dead birds, 2 alive birds that we had to liberate from the house, one skink and one baby chipmunk. We live with a stone cold killer, whose name is Mr. Snuggle Bug.
  3. nolalady


    So, like, a Japanese version of The Incredibles?
  4. nolalady

    Cute Animal Thread

    I, too, live with a void. Yesterday, I had to chase a baby chipmunk out of the house because Snugs brought him in to play.
  5. nolalady

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!
  6. nolalady

    IDLES is a band that best translates live. I saw their live show last summer and it gave me a...

    IDLES is a band that best translates live. I saw their live show last summer and it gave me a whole new appreciation for them.
  7. nolalady

    Happy Birthday @everyone!!

    Happy Birthday @everyone!!
  8. nolalady

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    I really like this idea. For now, @debianlinux and I have been researching edible gardening and we would like to transition our yard that way.
  9. nolalady


    We got some pickling cucumbers as well. I have canned pickles but it was a while ago. I think I want to go strawberry and blueberry (and maybe blackberry) picking and can some pie filling and jam.
  10. nolalady

    I would see these ads when watching PBS and I thought the same thing.

    I would see these ads when watching PBS and I thought the same thing.
  11. nolalady

    Online Vinyl Deals

    No Space Oddity, no deal.
  12. nolalady

    And also with you...

    And also with you...
  13. nolalady

    And also with you....

    And also with you....
  14. nolalady

    New Music Friday!

    Mythical ambiance as a tag has got me going 👀👀👀
  15. nolalady

    Do you make stuff?

    Sooo funny story…we have a black cat. Neighbors moved in with an orange cat and our cat and their cat had a tough time adjusting to each other, but now they have a tentative truce. But before that, for a while, I would find the neighbors’ cat sniffing around our back door, where the cat door is...