I am very much not on the National train - nothing against them, I don't actively dislike them, but I've always felt as if I'm missing something with this band. I joked on my Instagram last week that I'm 10 years, 4 glasses of wine, and 1 divorce too young for them. I could recognize the quality in a lot of the individual pieces that make up their music, but as a whole, it never really "clicked" for me.
This new album though. I'm starting to get it. I've heard other people describe why they like The National so much, and I really didn't get it at the time, but I'm starting to feel about the new album the way y'all feel about all their stuff. Holy fuck is Not In Kansas an amazing track. I've never been so sucked in to Berninger's lyricism as I was with this track. It perfectly paints a picture of a melancholic reflection on the dizzying state of the world, where one fits into it on an individual basis, and how to reconcile such impossible changes. Dust Swirls In Strange Light is compositionally gorgeous, with some absolutely HEAVENLY vocal arrangements going on. It's rare to hear a track so accurately sound like what the title is

Where Is Her Head sounds nothing like any National song I've heard before and whoever the female vocalist is on that track killed it. Hell, all the female vocalists on this really added a unique dynamic to the whole thing. Maybe that's why I feel myself getting this album more than others? But that being said, Not In Kansas and Light Years are two of my favorite tracks and they're very Berninger-centered, so maybe I just needed something to fully throw me in.
I've only listened to it once. I'm sure I'll have some more structured, non-scatter-brained thoughts once I let it sink in a bit more. I'm still not fully on the National train yet, but I feel like I have a boarding pass in hand for it