Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I don't know why, but I honestly thought we would be getting a variant of the newest Ali Farka Toure this week. Seems like it would be in the wheelhouse considering they have already done his records in the past.
Busta felt like a no brainer until I listened to it for the first time in ages, it's fine but I don't think I'd spin it all that much so it's not worth it to me.

Why is this a pre-order? It's not like it's a new album and you're competing with every other place that sells varients, if this is truely an exclusive why not drop this when you have it in hand? Who are you competing with?
Busta felt like a no brainer until I listened to it for the first time in ages, it's fine but I don't think I'd spin it all that much so it's not worth it to me.

Why is this a pre-order? It's not like it's a new album and you're competing with every other place that sells varients, if this is truely an exclusive why not drop this when you have it in hand? Who are you competing with?
Sadly long pre orders are now the norm for limited vinyl. Very few have stock on hand for limited drops like this.
Plants aren’t ever going to get caught up. Demand is massively outstripping supply. Less product or more plants is the only thing that will get the show back on the road.
well there are at least 2 new plants opening up this year. and the VMP plant should theoretically help them get exclusives out sooner.
well there are at least 2 new plants opening up this year. and the VMP plant should theoretically help them get exclusives out sooner.

Depending how quickly they get up to speed and how much they can realistically press to begin with.

The truth of the matter is that as long as the majors keep using independents rather than properly investing in their own plants the situation won’t improve.
Depending how quickly they get up to speed and how much they can realistically press.

The truth of the matter is that as long as the majors keep using independents rather than properly investing in their own plants the situation won’t improve.
i think they said they have enough presses to ramp up to doing every track there at least every month. plus they can plate at their new plant so that should help them cut down on delays at least. artwork/printing would be the only source of production they would have to really outsource still + mastering.

but yea--the majors need to step up and make some of their own plants.
Urgh what a joke. Waited for the Throwback page to update, 0 secs and it opened, I immediately added Idris Muhammed, clicked pay now and it was gone. There must have only been 1 copy.
They will never do this because it would require too much work. But on those ultra low stock LPs they should hold a raffle. Let members enter and they have 48 hours to purchase or decline or it goes to the next person.
Urgh what a joke. Waited for the Throwback page to update, 0 secs and it opened, I immediately added Idris Muhammed, clicked pay now and it was gone. There must have only been 1 copy.
A hint for next time. Don’t load the TBT page. Find the individual listing page of the LP you want and refresh that page instead. That’s how people get these TBTs. You cut out at least 1 step that way and I’ve had way more luck doing that in the past.

It’s far from the perfect system. No matter what there’s limited stock and more people who want to buy the albums than copies available
@Selaws i also wouldn't be too bummed about Idris. JD seems to be reissuing those titles that VMP had on regular black vinyl for about $30 instead of $50 or whatever VMP charged. They just repressed Purdie Good and Heavy Axe and looks like they are going to do more:
Aretha Repress


@Selaws i also wouldn't be too bummed about Idris. JD seems to be reissuing those titles that VMP had on regular black vinyl for about $30 instead of $50 or whatever VMP charged. They just repressed Purdie Good and Heavy Axe and looks like they are going to do more:

This is a good find.

Shipping is a bit high on this one (U.S. $12.17), but you can use CRSUB10 to get a few bucks off...