Recent content by wynn72

  1. W

    Interscope Vinyl Collective

    They already responded back saying they are going to look into it. So at least response times seemed to have improved
  2. W

    Interscope Vinyl Collective

    Damn Thanks. Just emailed in to them. Any luck with their customer service? I’m a day 1 subscriber and if they don’t send me a copy for any reason I’m not going to be thrilled
  3. W

    Interscope Vinyl Collective

    Anyone not have their Dr Octagon ship yet who is an existing member? They accidentally charged $10 shipping this month and then went back and refunded and Im hoping they didnt accidentally cancel the whole order.
  4. W

    Pre-Order Thread

    Shit. I didnt know how limited it was, added to my cart at 1030 on the dot and sold out.... Kinda wish it was a Vault exclusive...
  5. W

    Pre-Order Thread

    Was worried was I was put in the queue but I managed to get a copy. Hyped for this and now a little remorseful I sold the two Vaxis albums on Discogs last week. But still hyped I'll finally have all their albums from this to No World for Tomorrow in my collection. That's the core coheed I grew...
  6. W

    I've seen him live twice and he was great. Super high energy and sang the hits

    I've seen him live twice and he was great. Super high energy and sang the hits
  7. W

    Vinyl Me Please Country

    If above guesses are right, pretty damn solid quarter
  8. W

    Loretta Lynn RIP

    Loretta Lynn RIP
  9. W

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    I know at this point, no one's changing any minds on this board. But I want to say I'm happy for Storf and excited to see what he has cooking. Any of my past complaints about VMP were never because of him, and I honestly think he's genuinely good guy who REALLY REALLY loves music (and obviously...
  10. W

    NGL I really like his 2 emo/pop-punk albums. I mean I know it's stupid disposable trash but the...

    NGL I really like his 2 emo/pop-punk albums. I mean I know it's stupid disposable trash but the old scene kid in me really digs it
  11. W

    And it's so damn good

    And it's so damn good
  12. W

    Pre-Order Thread

    I already loved New West, then they just started grabbing and releasing new albums for artists I already loved like Emily and Josh Hedley. Seriously one of the best around right now. And the reasonable prices for signed exclusives is a great bonus.
  13. W

    Vinyl Me Please Anthology

    Hell in that case my OCD will definitely win out, despite shelf space also being in consideration.
  14. W

    Vinyl Me Please Anthology

    Damn, this may be the box that finally makes me give up on my perfect Anthology collection. Just no use for Comedy records.
  15. W

    Bullmoose and Plaid Room are my go tos

    Bullmoose and Plaid Room are my go tos