YoHabloEspanol's latest activity

  • YoHabloEspanol
    YoHabloEspanol reacted to gafacaode's comment on YoHabloEspanol's profile post with Laughing Laughing.
    Have you seen this account? https://www.instagram.com/miserable_men/
  • YoHabloEspanol
    YoHabloEspanol reacted to TenderLovingKiller®'s comment on YoHabloEspanol's profile post with Like Like.
    I am not good at this. I usually wonder off and start looking at shoes and hats and whatnot. She texts me when she’s done. My opinion is...
  • YoHabloEspanol
    YoHabloEspanol commented on YoHabloEspanol's profile post.
    I'm next to the fitting room. So I still get to judge the clothes. It's not like she's far away.
  • YoHabloEspanol
    YoHabloEspanol updated their status.
    Husband chairing this husband chair at the mall while the wife shops. #SaturdayMornings