Recent content by YoHabloEspanol

  1. YoHabloEspanol

    Are Penn and Teller still doing shows? Because that's worth it. I usually gravitate to comics...

    Are Penn and Teller still doing shows? Because that's worth it. I usually gravitate to comics when in LV. Saw Lewis Black on that trip too.
  2. YoHabloEspanol

    The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

    Add Their Satanic Majesties Request and Emotional Rescue. Ya ya's or Mocambo for the live album because they're a great live band.
  3. YoHabloEspanol


  4. YoHabloEspanol

    I'm next to the fitting room. So I still get to judge the clothes. It's not like she's far away.

    I'm next to the fitting room. So I still get to judge the clothes. It's not like she's far away.
  5. YoHabloEspanol

    Husband chairing this husband chair at the mall while the wife shops. #SaturdayMornings

    Husband chairing this husband chair at the mall while the wife shops. #SaturdayMornings
  6. YoHabloEspanol

    Add Boondocks and Samurai Champloo and we could've been roommates in college.

    Add Boondocks and Samurai Champloo and we could've been roommates in college.
  7. YoHabloEspanol

    I remember staying up late to watch Space Ghost Coast to Coast on Cartoon Network. I'm surprised...

    I remember staying up late to watch Space Ghost Coast to Coast on Cartoon Network. I'm surprised my 10 year old brain could understand the absurd. This and early Conan Late Night.
  8. YoHabloEspanol

    @Nee Lewman happy happy!

    @Nee Lewman happy happy!
  9. YoHabloEspanol

    New Music Friday!

    I give money to NPR for this. All Songs Considered does the job of fine combing through all the albums. Also the yearly file dump of SXSW songs helps a lot. Are they promoting industry plants? I don't know. They've turned me onto stuff that would've otherwise flown under my radar.
  10. YoHabloEspanol

    New Music Friday!

    So the pandemic lockdown was fire emoji, and once we were let out in the wild it all went to crap.
  11. YoHabloEspanol

    New Music Friday!

    And here I'm still stuck in 2004 xD
  12. YoHabloEspanol

    Pre-Order Thread

    I guess people do need to remember Nazis are the baddies.
  13. YoHabloEspanol

    I first new of her as Nona Mecklenburg from The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Iggy Pop was her...

    I first new of her as Nona Mecklenburg from The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Iggy Pop was her show dad. I miss old Nickelodeon shows.
  14. YoHabloEspanol

    There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says...

    There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again. George W. Bush
  15. YoHabloEspanol

    Fyre Fest Vol. 2 is official and I cannot wait for the shit storm it's going to be again.

    Fyre Fest Vol. 2 is official and I cannot wait for the shit storm it's going to be again.