This is one of the prettiest songs I've ever heard, and it's from The Witcher 3 of all things. My god, sit in a quiet, dark room and listen to this. Will bring tears, nearly guaranteed.
Ignoring my opinions on VMP, that Metal Blade Anthology looks incredible. Fantastic selections of albums and artists, awesome looking color presses. If my wallet was a bit thicker, I'd be tempted to grab it. Shame they did very few metal releases back when I was a member though
WELL NOW, I'm very glad I bought Discovery at my local Barnes & Noble on a whim a few months ago. Very sad I never grabbed the TRON Legacy soundtrack though (Wendy Carlos' fantastic score for the original TRON, however, I do have). That said, very sad to see them call it quits. They had a very special magic, but I suppose not all magic lasts forever.
I finished Cyberpunk. Did two different endings. No spoilers, but I'll just say both were... Unsatisfying. Probably could've gotten better ones by doing more side quests. All in all, worth playing, but God, I'm leaving it with mixed feelings (ignoring the technical issues of running it on my PS4 slim model)