Needles & Grooves

Yeah - this chair is pretty famous in the design realm. The 8000€ price tag is probably for an original? Fortunately there are replicas and knock offs available!
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Yeah it’s a design classic that costs a lot for the licenced original design. It did used to be around €5k so it’s obviously jumped a bit of late. While it’s expensive for a chair it’s actually probably fairly priced against other similar design classic pieces.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Also it was designed by the Eames for Billy Wilder who was a friend of theirs!
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
The design is out of copyright though so there are plenty of places making reproduction copies for approx €800-€1k if you hunt online. I’d love one of those if I could ever gather the money together.
It's gorgeous. Like a perfect fit for vinyl + whisky drinking. I guess my office chair + milk crate ottoman will have to do for now.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
It absolutely is! Thankfully I don’t have the space for one regardless so there is no current temptation, it is in my “plan for the perfect future listening space” though lol!
In the design industry it's the go-to. We had an original Eames table at work and when we moved offices the movers sawed it in half to fit it through the joke. Hell fire reigned down on the office that day.
It’s probably the most famous chair ever created by one of the most famous furniture designers (duo) ever. I have a knock off that’s old and nowhere near as comfy. Not only are they expensive, but if something breaks Herman Miller is one of the only places to get replacement parts and often you have to pay them to fix it with special tools
A new one is only $5500+ tax and shipping in the US!
Hahaha, I knew exactly what chair you were looking at before you named it. It's a classic for a reason!
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
A different manufacturer has the licence in Europe. It’s still Herman Miller over there I think but it’s a Swiss company called Vitra that has the rights over here. They charge substantially more.

I have the formed plastic armchair as an office chair but that was as far as my budget stretched!
@Joe Mac spot on. Funnily enough, while I'm an Architect my girlfriend is an interior designer specialising in offices. Vitra's furniture tends to be the go-to high end supplier in both our day to day jobs and we have been lucky enough to go to quite a few of their events at the London showrooms. Still waiting on an invitation to their factory though :ROFLMAO:
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
I’m not surprised at that @Selaws seeing as they have the European rights to probably the three most iconic chairs in the Eames’ Lounge & Ottoman, Mies Van Der Rhoe’s Barcelona chair and the Le Corbouiser sofa! It is all beautiful stuff but my gosh is it expensive! It’s a pity that we can democratise good design better...
@Joe Mac for sure, especially if you consider the humble beginnings of their designs. During the war, they worked with moulding plywood to make splits because the existing metal ones were causing damage (I think it was due to vibrations). They then transferred their experiments to furniture design. I found one for sale years ago and it was then being sold for almost as much as one of their chairs!