Needles & Grooves

I’ve always thought European River Cruises were so cool. You can visit like 5-6 countries over the course of a week or so just by sailing down one river.
Melt Face Molly Drop
Panera Ciabatta Diapers
Panera Ciabatta Diapers
@wokeupnew my mom went on a euro river cruise (the Danube, I think) a few years back with one of her gf's and loved it.
Panera Ciabatta Diapers
Panera Ciabatta Diapers
Also, she is 78
Panera Ciabatta Diapers
Panera Ciabatta Diapers
Also, also...growing up (in the 90s) we would have dinner at my grandparents every Sunday. We always had to be home in time for her to watch 60 Minutes. Although she would've been in her 50s, demo still holds.