Looks like USPS is failing all around. @ranbalam had some issues too. And I have been having a hard time getting packages delivered to my carrier in FL.
I tried contacting them last week and couldn't get ahold of anybody but the record label is sending out a replacement. Didn't expect it to happen again. Today it let me report the missing mail but it might take a few days to hear back. It's odd because I've been home both times and the notification comes right when the rest of the mail arrives but nobody is leaving any kind of package.
Sometimes I’ve had things marked as delivered but not delivered until the next day. Supposedly they do that if they forgot to drop something off. This just sounds like they are delivering it somewhere else. If you’re at home maybe try to talk to the postman if you know around what time they get there?
It looks like at least one of the packages ended up down the street at 1204 instead of 1024 (where we live). They're supposed to see if they can go get it tomorrow and bring it here otherwise I might have to do it myself.