Needles & Grooves

CD: Cage the Elephant - Thank You, Happy Birthday

I begged my dad to drive me to Best Buy in the middle of a snow storm because I needed this on release day. Still can’t believe he did that for me

Vinyl: Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

Saw it at a flea market, didn’t even have a record player at the time but it was cheap and I had recently fell in love with the album so I picked it up
Vinyl: The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street
CD: Pretenders - Learning to Crawl
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Vinyl: Radiohead - In Rainbows Diskbox
CD: Can’t remember, it was mostly singles i bought as a kid. First non best of I remember buying was Definitely Maybe but that was a full 3 years after I had gotten a cd player…
Nee Lewman
Nee Lewman
I bought PAC-Man Fever by Buckner and Garcia and Eye of the Tiger by Survivor on tape. I don’t remember the first vinyl or cd I bought. Possibly Sgt Pepper on CD.
Cassette: Tears For Fears - Songs From The Big Chair
CD: Moby - Play
Vinyl: Radiohead - Ok Computer OKNOTOK 1997 2017
By the time I was a lot into tapes and was recording radio to have complete albums. Then I think it was either the first Wu-Tang Clan or first Doc Gynéco (French HIp-Hop). My first vinyl was Wraygunn - Eclesiastes 1.11.
Cassette: U2 - Achtung Baby
CD - Metallica - Black Album
Vinyl: Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues (I'm pretty sure I bought Real Estate "Days" at the same time)
Cassette - was either MC Hammer - Please Hammer, Don’t Hurt ‘Em or Vanilla Ice - To The Extreme in third grade in 1990.
CD - it was Arrested Development - 3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days in the Life Of... and Boys II Men - Cooleyhighharmony were purchased to soon after receiving my first CD Player (a Craig Boombox) for Christmas in 1992. I was in 5th grade at the time.
Vinyl - Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - The River and The Beatles - Hey Jude. In 2005 I has living in a house with some roommates and one of them had an all-in-one system collecting dust in the basement so I decided to hook it up. A few days later I was at a local head shop that sold used albums and picked both of those up on a whim, together they cost me around $12.
Nee Lewman
Nee Lewman
The local head shop started selling records and now they are a local record store chain. lol.