How can anybody hate that run? that seems downright pleasant. It’s not like you were playing “Mr. Would You Please Help My Pony” or “Spinal Meningitis”
I played Buenos Tardes Amigo on a dive bar jukebox once. As I'm drinking my beer I start hearing some light chatter from other patrons of WTF are we listening to.
I was head of security at the Canmore Hotel for a spell in the early oughts and so many of the touring bands that came through lost their minds when they saw we had Ween in the jukebox. Had one guy who had been touring back and forth across the country for nearly 15 years tell me we had the best jukebox in the country.
This was one of those digital jukeboxes so I think the selection is likely better / only restricted by licensing (?). So let's not give the bar I was at too much credit. They had $1 cans of PBR though