On one hand I’m very jealous of sidewalk snowplows. On the other, I love my snowblower capable of launching a cocker spaniel two blocks downrange and looks like a mobile missile battery.
Sidewalk snowplough drivers have this magical ability to have a cigarette perfectly dangle on their bottom lip while stooped forward and barrelling down the sidewalk. It’s uncanny.
Fuck that sidewalk plow man, that's things a menace. It destroys everyone's lawns and rips entire paving stones and driveway curbs out of the ground because that driver DGAF.
True story. Driving that little chaos plow is the only job NIGHTMather has ever expressed interest in. The first time I saw one in person, barreling down the sidewalk leaving nothing but destruction in its wake I could actually hear him screaming from the void with glee...
There was this rumor going on for years that these fuckers actually veered out of their way, like curve off the sidewalk, to smash bikes in Montreal. One guy was actually caught on-air while a CBC radio journalist was doing some sort of post snowfall outdoor reporting. It was crazy hearing the reporter describing what she was seeing, basically the plow going back and forth smashing the bike.