Two people I went to high school with are in a band and that band is getting some actual buzz on different sites like Stereogum and CoS. That would be awesome if those two guys weren’t two of the biggest douches I have ever met
Clean versions of extremely explicit songs are one of the funniest things to me. What’s the point of putting out a clean version if half the words need to be censored
Just posted the link to the 2024 Grammy Pool! there is sadly no prize this year so the winner just gets bragging rights lol. Fill it out and see how you do on 2/4!
I decided this month doesn’t count towards 2024 because I can not start my year off like this. So 2024 actually stars on February 1st, this is just more of December 2023
RIP to my favorite web show. Ive watched this every week for almost 10 years and spent countless hours rewatching it when I was bored. I’ll definitely follow him wherever he goes next but he doesn’t own the format so it won’t be the same
A wild scene unfolded last night as long-time gaming site The Escapist fired some of its team members, including EIC Nick Calandra, for reportedly not meeting goals set by its parent company Gamurs.
Sending love to Sufjan Stevens. I suffered from GBS back in 2018 and it is no joke. Truly the scariest situation I’ve been through. Sufjan’s music (especially Age of Adz) was something I really connected with at that time and helped me through it