I don’t know exactly what Sportsbook is but what about my algorithm is forcing ads in everything with ads down my throat. I knew watching Welcome to Wrexham and Ted Lasso would end badly.
Man, have you guys heard of these cd things? They are like tiny records. They use something called a laser instead of a stylus. What will they think of next?
The new Brittany Howard feels like the funk equivalent of a Radiohead album. It’s a thing of beauty and will probably take thirty or forty listens to fully get.
Does anyone else ever end up listening to weird shit or is this something that just happens to me? I'm listening to Hyderomastgroningem by Ruins and it sounds like Art Ensemble, Primus, and Rush did some mushrooms and hit record.
The Smith’s Johnny Marr has taken to Twitter to express his anger that one of the band’s songs was used at a rally for Donald Trump. Read Marr's comments here.