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  1. blenoxsmith

    Thank the music gods. Lankum announce a single US date in NYC for November, and it's a Saturday...

    Thank the music gods. Lankum announce a single US date in NYC for November, and it's a Saturday! I'll gonna finally get to see them!
  2. blenoxsmith

    you see she's touring this summer but singing Dylan songs? tempted

    you see she's touring this summer but singing Dylan songs? tempted
  3. blenoxsmith

    Looks like we'll have a new Kishi Bashi single on Tuesday, May 14th, followed by an album...

    Looks like we'll have a new Kishi Bashi single on Tuesday, May 14th, followed by an album announcement. Yes!!!
  4. blenoxsmith

    i feel like this every time i check out the New Music Friday thread. i try my hardest, but I can...

    i feel like this every time i check out the New Music Friday thread. i try my hardest, but I can really only handle 3-4 new albums a week. so this week it's Mdou Moctar, Jessica Pratt, Charlotte Day Wilson and Camera Obscura
  5. blenoxsmith

    New Music Friday!

    They have really achieved something cool with this album, in replicating the vibe of their live performance in a studio album. I feel like the way this is best represented is in all the gradual tempo shifts by the drummer in the more energetic tracks. Their live show is so entrancing because you...
  6. blenoxsmith

    Pre-Order Thread

    Wild Pink short EP with the three newer songs they've released. I can't quite tell if this is a 7" or not, but probably is.
  7. blenoxsmith


    I love this conversation @Tortured Diaper Baby Dept and @folsom_lives . I got 6 cubic yards of pure compost delivered a couple weeks ago, since I have a pile (maybe 3 cubic yards) of my own soil to mix it with, after digging for a gravel path I put in last summer. Also, I'm gonna be doing some...
  8. blenoxsmith

    Pre-Order Thread

    FYI - according to the email about this Thom Yorke release, it's the clear vinyl variant that is limited and exclusive to the WASTE store, in case that matter to you. I'm guessing the cream vinyl is the indie exclusive.
  9. blenoxsmith

    Record Store Day 2024

    Oh man, wish I caught this early enough to grab the bundle with the Beachy Head album! That was one of my fav albums of '21. The tracks Michael and Destroy Us are incredible. So @eatdogs do you happen to know if this graveface variant is the same as the late add "RSD" variant listed in a few...
  10. blenoxsmith

    Record Store Day 2024

    Hard to keep track of who wanted what, and found what today, but I remember reading a few people wanted PM Dawn. Two left here:
  11. blenoxsmith

    Record Store Day 2024

    Not sure what the deal is with the late addition of a Slowdive RSD variant of Everything is Alive. But if you want one, looks to be here:
  12. blenoxsmith


    @bdm105 Man was I wrong! I passed by Goodies at like 11AM yesterday to chat with owner. He said there was a line like 50+ people deep when they opened! Taylor Swift affect is real, as well as rising popularity of vinyl. He said most people were young and wanted the Rodrigo. Anyway, I'm glad you...
  13. blenoxsmith

    Record Store Day 2024

    I love how us early risers are now having FOMO on behalf of people we are tagging with online postings … get up! get that record! lol
  14. blenoxsmith

    Record Store Day 2024

    @nolalady the Summer Walker you asked about a page back is currently available at this link above that @Hemotep posted.
  15. blenoxsmith

    Record Store Day 2024

    If anyone spins the Fleet Foxes I'd love to know how it sounds, meaning the quality of the audio from the live performance (hopefully the record itself isn't poor quality).
  16. blenoxsmith

    Record Store Day 2024

    Thanks, appreciate it. All signs pointing to my early retirement from RSD, and settlling for Sunday scraps online … unless Mew puts out a record for it, or Chairlift represses their album Something for it, or, or, or … lol
  17. blenoxsmith

    Record Store Day 2024

    For those out and in line who have been going to their same store consistently, are you finding it busier than normal this year? Last year, with the Swift thing, it was so overwhelming I decided to sit this one out (but also, nothing I'm dying to get this year). I was hoping things would...
  18. blenoxsmith


    I'll be interested to hear your report back. If you get there at 7, I'm thinking you'll be the only person in line maybe till 9, but I might be wrong! Better safe than sorry! I'm very confident that your plan will result in success. I might pop over at 9:45 to say hi and see what they got. Last...
  19. blenoxsmith


    Goodies is out in the burbs, southwest of Philly, so actually not too bad a drive from the airport, since that is also south of the city. They usually get in a very small RSD selection. From what I've observed over the years, seems like they mainly get in RSD titles in the metal, classic rock...
  20. blenoxsmith

    Pre-Order Thread

    I vote bop. Listened to it like 4 times in a row. Also, check out the video, holy shit. Also, assuming their deluxe preorder is 45rpm, I love the fact that this band consistently issues 45rpm versions of their records.