I'm pretty sure I've listened to that one before so I'll count it. I skimmed around it. I get the idea. "Wait and Bleed" chorus is catchy the rest of the album is "meh" at best.
Whatever you do, don't go to the "Weekend 1 Lineup" and "Weekend 2 Lineup" on the festival's website. Somebody get this festival a graphic designer stat!
That's nice! $14 shipping is a little rough.
The rainbow one says webstore exclusive, so this one might be available elsewhere?
Edit: It appears that maybe this is just the standard version?
I'm either old and out of the loop...or festival lineups in general are extremely underwhelming this year. (Except Just Like Heaven of course!....Ok I'm old then)
I was supposed to see Rilo Kiley open for Coldplay at Jiffy Lube Live in VA but traffic is such a shit show for that venue I missed them. I only heard "Portions for Foxes" from the parking lot.