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  1. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Maybe that's why? It's not like I was stalling, and I could see a path to win on those particular battles within two to three turns if my draws were right. (Just added you. My nick is Corvinus on there!)
  2. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Ugh, why are people on Pokemon TCG Pocket battles so rude? I just lost three battles in a row, and still I thanked the winners. The battles weren't even bad, yet none of them bothered to send a thanks back. I just need shop tickets for Chansey wonder picks!! I won't pretend like I send...
  3. EvanBenner


    A distinct (yet not shocking) lack of The Substance. Move along, AFI.
  4. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Lego lets you play interchangably as Aloy, Varl, Erend and Teersa of all people as soon as they are each unlocked along the main quest. It's got a fun little roguelike aspect to the levels, which you of all forumers might appreciate.
  5. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Because hammers are Erend's thing! (Lego Horizon Adventure hammers home this point.)
  6. EvanBenner


    Happy December! If you're in the mood for a seasonally horrifying watch, I've got you covered with a list of 843 (and counting) winter horror & thriller movies.
  7. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Having just beat Lego Horizon Adventures yesterday, I'm screaming!
  8. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    And the Super Mario Parties!
  9. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Stray! Cute cat in a futuristic world of robots. Also get Snipperclips. Had a total blast playing with my niece and nephew. It's perfect for Switch's Joycon configuration. Snipperclips™ – Cut it out, together! for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Official Site (there's also a bundle with extra...
  10. EvanBenner


    I think I liked JW2 even more than one! JW3 irked me for silly reasons, but JW4 was a super fun ride. Worth sticking it out.
  11. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Anyone playing Pokemon TCG Pocket want a friend who will actually like your showcases each day and earn you shop tickets? My randos aren't reciprocating. Add me: 1020827665701655
  12. EvanBenner


    Now's the best time of year to sub to Letterboxd if you enjoy the platform. I've used the Pro level for several years which is a great value for $15 a year. No ads, set your streaming services for alerts when watchlist items become available, beefed up stat dives, etc. This year I'm upgrading...
  13. EvanBenner

    Come shoegaze the afternoon away with legendary Chicago DJ's Scary Lady Sarah and Philly...

    Come shoegaze the afternoon away with legendary Chicago DJ's Scary Lady Sarah and Philly Peroxide! Live till 7pm central:
  14. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    A couple of controllers and the charging stand are the only peripherals we needed. Seconding the recos for Stray and Astro Bot! (Astro's Playroom is free, and makes for a great introduction to the controller's many cool features, so play that before Astro Bot). The Horizon games are both...
  15. EvanBenner

    It's not the resounding rebuke many of us hoped for, but it's not over yet. No matter what...

    It's not the resounding rebuke many of us hoped for, but it's not over yet. No matter what happens support is here, quite literally in widespread N&G fam. Love and care from Chicago.
  16. EvanBenner

    From a 3-hour Cure stream to a Foxing show. Two of this year's best albums celebrated in one day!

    From a 3-hour Cure stream to a Foxing show. Two of this year's best albums celebrated in one day!
  17. EvanBenner

    The Cure - all things big, small, and sticky sweet

    "Where's the fucking thunder?!" 🤣 🤣 💀 💀 💀
  18. EvanBenner

    I'm going to have to run out the door when this finally wraps to go to another show in person LOL.

    I'm going to have to run out the door when this finally wraps to go to another show in person LOL.
  19. EvanBenner

    The Cure - all things big, small, and sticky sweet

    "I beg you not to play the thunder and lightning. Play some sunshine!" 🤣 🤣
  20. EvanBenner

    Post-Rock Will Never Die, But You Will... (The Post-Rock Thread)

    Anyone need a GA ticket to Godspeed in Chicago next Friday? I've got a conflict.