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  1. EvanBenner

    Welcome - Introduce Yourself Here

    This is so much more terrifying than my story in the collection. Absolutely horrifying! (Still two free unclaimed ebook copies for free in the Creative Writing thread! 69 short stories form 68 excellent creep-mongers (+ me!)).
  2. EvanBenner


    Oh no.
  3. EvanBenner

    Still 3 free ebook copies 🎁 of the new short horror story anthology (featuring my mini author...

    Still 3 free ebook copies 🎁 of the new short horror story anthology (featuring my mini author debut!) available in the Creative Writing thread:
  4. EvanBenner

    Best Music 🎶 of 2024!

    True Body coming through with a new 🔥🔥🔥 version of "Colder" for their upcoming album.
  5. EvanBenner

    A few free spooky treats just dropped in the Creative Writing thread to celebrate my mini horror...

    A few free spooky treats just dropped in the Creative Writing thread to celebrate my mini horror debut: The Creative Writing and Short Stories Thread
  6. EvanBenner

    What's Spinning

    Is life even real now? Those who know know. (For those who don't, this debut album came out in Japan in 1999 and never had a wide vinyl pressing until today!)
  7. EvanBenner

    Seeing Deftones this Thursday at Chicago's legendary Metro. (An 1,100-cap venue they last played...

    Seeing Deftones this Thursday at Chicago's legendary Metro. (An 1,100-cap venue they last played in 2003.) I love life.
  8. EvanBenner

    Are there no stage streams this year? I'm looking and seeing nothing. So weird!

    Are there no stage streams this year? I'm looking and seeing nothing. So weird!
  9. EvanBenner


    This one hits HULU on the 23rd, but I wanted to tune into the director commentary stream for Sohome Horror Pride online film festival tomorrow, so I went ahead and outright bought this one on good word... and it sure as hell didn't disappoint! Femme is a thoroughly suspenseful thriller in which...
  10. EvanBenner

    Post-Rock Will Never Die, But You Will... (The Post-Rock Thread)

    Anyone else popping by POST. Fest in Indy next week? It'll be my first time back since the lockdown.
  11. EvanBenner


    Finally caught this on Freevee. CB is a consistent fave in this household.
  12. EvanBenner

    Not providing tracking is inexcusable at this point, esp. if they acknowledge that was in fact...

    Not providing tracking is inexcusable at this point, esp. if they acknowledge that was in fact included with the shipment.
  13. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Orphan of Kos is pissing me off. I just realized I missed the optional Laurence fight, so I'll probably go take care of him. Once I only have Orphan and the final Big Bad left I'll be as far as my partner got on their play through.
  14. EvanBenner


    The more I sit with this, the more I'm convinced it's going to be among my tops of the year.
  15. EvanBenner


  16. EvanBenner


    Holy crap! My Tetsuo article is referenced heavily in the latest ep of my favorite podcast, Horror Queers. We may have officially moved on from Pride Month to Wrath Month, but a time for wrath + the film's 35th anniversary make it still the perfect time to enjoy the movie, my article, and this...
  17. EvanBenner


    Just finished The Devil's Bath on Shudder (from the directors of The Lodge and Goodnight Mommy). Bleak as hell and really freaking good. Excellent folk horror imagery and atmosphere of dread. Keeps you in suspense until the passage at close, which hits like a hammer to the gut. Recommended if...
  18. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Only took three tries! This was the point at which I left off on my original playthrough. Was not faring well against Bloody Crow nor was I very pleased with Yahar'gul. Saving Bloody Crow for later and uncovering the shortcut to The One Reborn saved me a lot of strife this playthrough. Made it...
  19. EvanBenner


    Fucking gorgeous. Been teary-eyed for almost two hours straight. Fuck cancer.
  20. EvanBenner

    Everything Video Games!

    Beat Ebrietas, finished out Cainhurst, finished Eileen's storyline, finished Nightmare Frontier, and am trekking along steadily in the DLC. Beat Ludwig and Celestial Emmisary and am to the Astral Clocktower now.