Search results

  1. Mr Moore

    J-Jazz (Japanese Jazz)

    Anyone interested, Amazon UK appears to have 5 copies of Flute Adventure for just over 20 quid which is a bit of a bargain.
  2. Mr Moore

    Thank you, I had a good day.

    Thank you, I had a good day.
  3. Mr Moore

    Thank you, it was a fun day.

    Thank you, it was a fun day.
  4. Mr Moore

    Thank you, I had a lovely day.

    Thank you, I had a lovely day.
  5. Mr Moore

    It was a seamless transition from tea to beer with The Goldfinch to keep me company. Lovely...

    It was a seamless transition from tea to beer with The Goldfinch to keep me company. Lovely day, thank you x
  6. Mr Moore

    Thanks Lee, I've had a nice day x

    Thanks Lee, I've had a nice day x
  7. Mr Moore

    Thank you, it's been a good day x

    Thank you, it's been a good day x
  8. Mr Moore

    2023 Reading Challenge

    April 2023 Book 15: A Moment in the Sun - John Sayles Epic fin de siécle tale of America and Americans spanning gold prospecting in the Yukon to wars with Cuba and the Philippines with the whitening of Wilmington, NC in between where any black residents were forced to flee or be killed...
  9. Mr Moore

    What's Spinning

    London Brew - S/T (Concord Jazz, 00888072514300, 2023) Happy International Jazz Day, jazzbos!
  10. Mr Moore

    What's Spinning

    Natural Information Society Community Ensemble with Ari Brown - Since Time is Gravity (Aguirre Records, ZORN99, Belgium, 2023)
  11. Mr Moore

    What's Spinning

  12. Mr Moore

    What's Spinning

    Tricky - Pre-Millennium Tension (Island Records, 4867979, UK, RSD2023) Great sounding version pressed at Pallas.
  13. Mr Moore

    Record Store Day 2023

    Not a single one! The only few listings I've seen in European stores are all sold out.
  14. Mr Moore

    Record Store Day 2023

    All the UK stuff has just gone online, loads of Trickys floating around if people are still looking for one...
  15. Mr Moore

    What's Spinning

    Flock - S/T ( Strut, STRUT269LP, UK, 2022)
  16. Mr Moore

    What's Spinning

    Moloko - Do You Like My Tight Sweater? (Music on Vinyl, MOVLP2457, 2019)
  17. Mr Moore

    What's Spinning

    James Brandon Lewis Trio - Eye of I (Anti, 7950-1, 2023)
  18. Mr Moore

    Record Store Day 2023 I just bought mine from here. There's a mark-up obviously but it saves me the hassle of getting out of bed. I don't know how many they have but they ship worldwide.
  19. Mr Moore

    The Reader’s Nook - The N&G Book Thread

    Moon Palace and The Music of Chance are probably my two favourites. 4321 from a few years back was excellent and innovative but it is long and something of a commitment. I remember really enjoying Mr Vertigo too but I read most of them so long ago now that I really fancy dedicating a few...
  20. Mr Moore

    The Reader’s Nook - The N&G Book Thread

    White Noise is great, so is Americana. I struggled a bit with The Names but wouldn’t mind trying it again someday as it’s considered one of his best. Underworld is a masterpiece but it is pretty huge and some parts work better than others (the opening ball game is one of the best things I’ve...