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  1. livinsmall

    several things!

    several things!
  2. livinsmall

    Put your phone down!

    Put your phone down!
  3. livinsmall

    so this zach bryan record is kind of incredible.

    so this zach bryan record is kind of incredible.
  4. livinsmall

    Goodness, the new Explosions in the Sky single released this week kicks ass.

    Goodness, the new Explosions in the Sky single released this week kicks ass.
  5. livinsmall

    I'm not sure we're talking about this Hozier album enough.

    I'm not sure we're talking about this Hozier album enough.
  6. livinsmall

    New Music Friday!

    Fun fact. The female vocalist on the "Mount Vernon" songs is Emma. THAT Emma.
  7. livinsmall

    New Music Friday!

    Most likely. The first album on the box set on Spotify is damn near jam-bandy.
  8. livinsmall

    New Music Friday!

    Also Justin Vernon's old solo album "hazeltons", along with a whole Deyarmond Edison (his old band) backlog of albums were released on streaming services today. If you're looking for something nice to dig into.
  9. livinsmall

    New Music Friday!

    This is the only answer for tomorrow. Thank you to everyone else for coming out.
  10. livinsmall

    The Reader’s Nook - The N&G Book Thread

    Just finished Nick by Michael Farris Smith. Grabbed it on a whim at the library and was kind of blown away by it. A prequel of sorts to The Great Gatsby, it dives deeper into the life of Nick Carraway before he meets Ole Jay. A really beautifully written, affecting, sometimes heartbreaking...
  11. livinsmall


  12. livinsmall


  13. livinsmall

    There are some perfect songs and A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley is one of them.

    There are some perfect songs and A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley is one of them.
  14. livinsmall

    Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 51 - September 2023 Two-Fer/// Daniel Bachman - Seven Pines and Almanac Behind - See Post #2

    Hi everyone. 1. Wilco and Billy Bragg - "Mermaid Avenue Vol. III 2. Uncle Tupelo - "No Depression" Let me know how you want me to send you my address.
  15. livinsmall

    I'll tell you what Snow Patrol sure can write a melodic verse.

    I'll tell you what Snow Patrol sure can write a melodic verse.
  16. livinsmall

    wish I could just put this bad boy on shuffle and have myself a journey.

    wish I could just put this bad boy on shuffle and have myself a journey.
  17. livinsmall

    I hate rock n roll because it makes me want to break rules

    I hate rock n roll because it makes me want to break rules
  18. livinsmall

    what is this Needles & Birthdays haha nailed it.

    what is this Needles & Birthdays haha nailed it.
  19. livinsmall

    Wilco (The Thread)

    So what are our thoughts on the new single?
  20. livinsmall

    Pre-Order Thread
