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  1. Delta Don

    Everything Video Games!

    I don’t think Nintendo doesn’t care per se, but they are decades behind on things. The eshop closures made sense for logistics stand point , but their lack on thinking for games you can’t obtain once obsolete is an oops moment. I expect switch 2 to offer many of these offerings once it’s a thing.
  2. Delta Don

    Do what you want. No consequences.

    Do what you want. No consequences.
  3. Delta Don

    Digging the new Depeche Mode.

    Digging the new Depeche Mode.
  4. Delta Don

    Pre-Order Thread

    For sure have not heard this before today . I’m going to dig through my cds tomorrow to confirm or deny Mandela effect. Update : it looks like I had one of first copies of the cd which contains a demo version (according to discogs). I just checked my ripped digital copy and it’s run time is...
  5. Delta Don

    Pre-Order Thread

    interesting. I can promise you , according to my ears, that I had the cd featuring that "demo" version you posted.
  6. Delta Don

    Pre-Order Thread

    I remember this and letters to you. Any idea what is new on the "new version" for the title track?
  7. Delta Don

    Pre-Order Thread

    does it still hold up? or will I need my nostalgia headphones?
  8. Delta Don

    Everything Video Games!

    Going to wait and see how friendly this is to kids. If it’s not too challenging I’ll for sure grab this.
  9. Delta Don

    @dbarila dont have Disney. Just watched the trailer. Can you explain a little more as to what...

    @dbarila dont have Disney. Just watched the trailer. Can you explain a little more as to what I’m missing? How were the lyrics problematic or in need of change? Also it’s half the band. “U2” lol
  10. Delta Don

    The songs musically reworked are boring. I found out some lyrics have changed to fit “where the...

    The songs musically reworked are boring. I found out some lyrics have changed to fit “where the are now” but I’m not a super fan to go looking on what’s changed and how it makes the song any more meaningful. The comments on iTunes are pretty funny.
  11. Delta Don

    Vinyl Me Please Essentials

    I have the typo on the spine. Is that still worth anything or nah ?
  12. Delta Don

    Pre-Order Thread

    Louisiana shout out.
  13. Delta Don

    Hopefully things take a turn for the better soon. Find the small victories in the meantime.

    Hopefully things take a turn for the better soon. Find the small victories in the meantime.
  14. Delta Don

    But @Joe Mac it needed to be spelled that way to add an extra oomf to it. I figured it was...

    But @Joe Mac it needed to be spelled that way to add an extra oomf to it. I figured it was perfectly structured and didn’t require /s.
  15. Delta Don

    You’re not really celebrating St Patty’s day unless you’re listening to the new U2 Songs of...

    You’re not really celebrating St Patty’s day unless you’re listening to the new U2 Songs of Surrender via the Notre Dame variant…