I won an Xbox at work. It’s the one that looks like a fridge. Since I don’t have a ton of time , what should I consider playing ? Thinking game pass is a good start.
I got an extra $50. Did some internet stalking and compared TikTok and twitter accounts and it’s a switfite not a flipper.
Taking the money as my oldest gets braces on this Wednesday
So I think this one sold on the 10th doe $1100. I was offered $800 (they offered a price not me). Someone else commented they will take it if OP falls through.
Reddit says listings should be paid via PayPal g&s. Is it wrong to counter with another $25/50 to make up for g&s , shipping , and...
I don’t have one but I believe the best place to start is to make sure that whoever you’re having a conversation with , knows that you now have an air fryer.