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  1. Delta Don

    Everything Video Games!

    How bad is GameStop with preorders shipped to home? I’m assuming I will get Zelda on Monday as I don’t have any kind of progress / tracking from GS. I have only ever done Best Buy pre orders and get it on release day.
  2. Delta Don

    They had to as they all turned 41.

    They had to as they all turned 41.
  3. Delta Don

    how about we call you the rat for short ?

    how about we call you the rat for short ?
  4. Delta Don

    @Corycm but have you listened to them? Discogs knows. Discogs is watching.

    @Corycm but have you listened to them? Discogs knows. Discogs is watching.
  5. Delta Don

    The National

    I’m not a national super fan but I do enjoy this album. Like others have mentioned , the features could go unlisted. I know they had a challenges writing this record and even described it all just ending. Is it possible these features were “clout” in any way? The Taylor one she is more present...
  6. Delta Don

    The National is dad rock for obvious reasons , but what didn’t occur to me until today is that...

    The National is dad rock for obvious reasons , but what didn’t occur to me until today is that it’s dad rock for me bc it’s in a register I can actually attempt to sing along with…
  7. Delta Don
  8. Delta Don

    New National and Beach House out today. Can’t wait to be depressed at work…

    New National and Beach House out today. Can’t wait to be depressed at work…
  9. Delta Don

    Pack lots of snacks. I like to have something to chew (or swallow not sure at 14 mins) for...

    Pack lots of snacks. I like to have something to chew (or swallow not sure at 14 mins) for departure and landing. Also “quiet books” are good we had something similar to this :
  10. Delta Don

    Really? All that Jerry Springer discourse is what will do it in? Does she post here ?

    Really? All that Jerry Springer discourse is what will do it in? Does she post here ?
  11. Delta Don

    That cute , huh?

    That cute , huh?
  12. Delta Don

    Mine too. They didn’t give a reason. My guess is it’s become a marketing /variant/ collectors...

    Mine too. They didn’t give a reason. My guess is it’s become a marketing /variant/ collectors thing and less of a help out the store thing.
  13. Delta Don

    Maybe he borrowed a metal container from sliplknot

    Maybe he borrowed a metal container from sliplknot
  14. Delta Don

    Starting the morning off listening to st anger so I can be made at that snare sound.

    Starting the morning off listening to st anger so I can be made at that snare sound.
  15. Delta Don

    caps lock

    caps lock
  16. Delta Don

    I saw a video of people trying to buy the large “no frank ocean merch” at the merch booth. So...

    I saw a video of people trying to buy the large “no frank ocean merch” at the merch booth. So his team also pulled merch ?
  17. Delta Don

    Assuming Dave is on drums ?

    Assuming Dave is on drums ?
  18. Delta Don

    don’t stress and try and do the bed thing all day. Take a break and see Mario, you deserve it !

    don’t stress and try and do the bed thing all day. Take a break and see Mario, you deserve it !
  19. Delta Don

    It’s called thunder and lightning, but not sounding and lightning. Also these edibles ain’t doin...

    It’s called thunder and lightning, but not sounding and lightning. Also these edibles ain’t doin nuthin.
  20. Delta Don

    @TheThinWhiteDuke i haven’t heard the mention of piracy in terms of music in a LONG time...

    @TheThinWhiteDuke i haven’t heard the mention of piracy in terms of music in a LONG time. YouTube and any potential streaming platform you may have or have access to. Just seems like a lot more trouble than it’s worth , ha!