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  1. Delta Don

    Exactly. Like I would rather the $20 ish record and $8-9 media mail (we get it you’re padding...

    Exactly. Like I would rather the $20 ish record and $8-9 media mail (we get it you’re padding profits into the expense portion) than a $40 single lp (no gatefold no digital download ) then with shipping.
  2. Delta Don

    Pre-Order Thread

    Reminds me of a Del Paxton variant
  3. Delta Don

    Sometimes you just gotta look for alternative wins.

    Sometimes you just gotta look for alternative wins.
  4. Delta Don

    I did it! I felt the urge to not get a preorder of a $45 double record. I fought hard for half a...

    I did it! I felt the urge to not get a preorder of a $45 double record. I fought hard for half a week and then…I did it! I preordered the double album bc of a 15% coupon!
  5. Delta Don

    galaxy brain : just pay the extra fees to scalpers and cut out TM all together.

    galaxy brain : just pay the extra fees to scalpers and cut out TM all together.
  6. Delta Don

    Pre-Order Thread

    Incoming of more variants than Taylor
  7. Delta Don

    Pre-Order Thread

    Ordered from Norman before , but would like a US option. Tag me if / when that happens. K thanks !
  8. Delta Don

    Hey Siri, play Juvenile Essentials 😎

    Hey Siri, play Juvenile Essentials 😎
  9. Delta Don

    Any hidden messages ?!

    Any hidden messages ?!
  10. Delta Don

    Everything Video Games!

    I certainly think so. Why else shadow drop Prime remastered in feb? Unless they are collecting the money now bc it’s dry later lol
  11. Delta Don


    Ok I really like the Henry and Sam characters. Maybe I’ll keep seeing if it keeps up for me.
  12. Delta Don

    Everything Video Games!

    Yeah it’s like a front loaded. Assumption in that they would have paced things more for us if they didn’t have stuff for Fall/ BF. That’s wishful thinking.
  13. Delta Don

    Everything Video Games!

    wouldn't be the first of either type of rumors. maybe Pokemon should fix their crap before they focus on next gen lol
  14. Delta Don

    Everything Video Games!

    idk it depends on what else is left in the tank for this year. off to a booming start. I feel there would need to be a bigger downer year to transition to the switch successor.
  15. Delta Don

    Everything Video Games!

    main line Mario game will more than likely next gen, but they could do some sorta 2d /3d game on switch.
  16. Delta Don


  17. Delta Don

    Happy Mar10 day

    Happy Mar10 day
  18. Delta Don


    Sure. I felt that way about The Walking Dead. I figured this was another case where the zombies are just another character just as NYC is a character in Rom Coms. I don’t dislike the characters I just am not fully connecting. I am happy for you if it’s your thing- just might not be mine.
  19. Delta Don


    Last of us question
  20. Delta Don

    she’s not wrong

    she’s not wrong