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  1. Piratenovelist

    Say the chant with me! Buc-ee's! Buc-ee's! Buc-ee's!

    Say the chant with me! Buc-ee's! Buc-ee's! Buc-ee's!
  2. Piratenovelist

    Amen to that!! I get it there’s people workin and such, but NJ to VA takes a full week?

    Amen to that!! I get it there’s people workin and such, but NJ to VA takes a full week?
  3. Piratenovelist

    I ordered a VEVOR! I think they are taking the scenic route at this point... I am sorry you are...

    I ordered a VEVOR! I think they are taking the scenic route at this point... I am sorry you are dealing with that! UPS STAHP WARMING OUR CLEANERS WITH YOUR BOOTY PLZ! XD
  4. Piratenovelist

    Mine spent a few days in Parsippany and is now in New Stanton! Amazon updated the shipping, but...

    Mine spent a few days in Parsippany and is now in New Stanton! Amazon updated the shipping, but not the UPS website... Y UPS?
  5. Piratenovelist good bro? good bro?
  6. Piratenovelist

    Shades of Travis Scott falling in Auto-Tune... Graceful on the rebound!

    Shades of Travis Scott falling in Auto-Tune... Graceful on the rebound!
  7. Piratenovelist

    Go us! It’ll move eventually!

    Go us! It’ll move eventually!
  8. Piratenovelist

    No new cleaner for me today... #thanksups... package got sucked into the blackhole in New Jersey

    No new cleaner for me today... #thanksups... package got sucked into the blackhole in New Jersey
  9. Piratenovelist

    Record cleaning - what's your method?

    My Vevor has shipped! Hopefully it’ll be here tomorrow from what UPS says
  10. Piratenovelist

    New Music Friday!

    Todays listens: No Obligations - The Linda Lindas TORI. (+ a bit lil more) - Tori Kelly SUPER CHARGED - The Offspring The Art Of Letting Go - Myles Kennedy Linear - Tay Jardine (Single)
  11. Piratenovelist

    Record cleaning - what's your method?

    Loud is better than having to wait another year to afford the hunmingGuru. Haha. I’ll report findings! Saw some comments say that Sonic cleaning ruins the grooves of the records is there any evidence for this?
  12. Piratenovelist

    Record cleaning - what's your method?

    Just purchased the VEVOR ultrasonic. Does anyone here have it and can they offer tips? What cleaning solution should I use? I still have a big ole bottle of my spin clean’s solution!
  13. Piratenovelist

    Here's to a full recovery!

    Here's to a full recovery!
  14. Piratenovelist

    YES! One thing I miss from Disney, but I can go to my local sweet frogs if I need that fix!

    YES! One thing I miss from Disney, but I can go to my local sweet frogs if I need that fix!
  15. Piratenovelist

    Record Store Day 2024

    Well I usually look at title rather than if it’s a RSD first or not. So I just happened to notice that all the ones I had interest in were exclusives.
  16. Piratenovelist

    Record Store Day 2024

    For once... all the records on my maybe list is all RSD Exclusives!
  17. Piratenovelist

    Record Store Day 2024

    Are there any thoughts on the Stone Temple Pilots? I don’t have that deluxe set so would it be worth it to have with my copy of Purple?
  18. Piratenovelist

    Record Store Day 2024

    Thanks! Yeah I had a feeling. I’m only budgeting one title this time so I this will help be the deciding factor.
  19. Piratenovelist

    Record Store Day 2024

    So, I looked over the list again. Picking from one of these: Ramones Scarlett Johansson Tegan and Sara The Elephant 6 Recording Co. (Soundtrack) The Warning
  20. Piratenovelist

    Record Store Day 2024

    Has anyone posted prices yet?