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  1. DJSJ

    And I don’t know how her (valid) statements about obsessive fans has anything at all to do with this

    And I don’t know how her (valid) statements about obsessive fans has anything at all to do with this
  2. DJSJ

    @Nee Lewman I’m sorry but that comment comes across as incredibly privileged. If Trump wins...

    @Nee Lewman I’m sorry but that comment comes across as incredibly privileged. If Trump wins, minorities and vulnerable communities have their very lives at extreme risk. We have to do all we Can to stop that from happening, remaining silent as a public figure and “working at the local level”...
  3. DJSJ

    @BjorgenFjorgen How much worse can it get? That’s really the game you want to play? Complete...

    @BjorgenFjorgen How much worse can it get? That’s really the game you want to play? Complete carpet bombing, leveling all of Gaza, aka what Trump wants. If stopping genocide is what you care about, and you’re not supporting the Harris campaign, I’m sorry but you’re a fucking idiot. Not to...
  4. DJSJ

    @LiamGallaghersBucketHat absolute brain dead comments that actually hurt the queer community...

    @LiamGallaghersBucketHat absolute brain dead comments that actually hurt the queer community
  5. DJSJ

    And no, it’s because her entire career is being built on the backs of the queer community, and...

    And no, it’s because her entire career is being built on the backs of the queer community, and now she can’t even do the fucking bare minimum (Harris endorsement) when basic human rights and democracy itself are on the line in the most important election of my lifetime
  6. DJSJ

    @BjorgenFjorgen Lmao, and the other candidate wants to wipe Palestine right off the map, and...

    @BjorgenFjorgen Lmao, and the other candidate wants to wipe Palestine right off the map, and that’s who you’re supporting if you don’t vote blue. Great critical thinking there…
  7. DJSJ

    Fuck Chapelle Roan. Didn’t realize she was a fucking idiot.

    Fuck Chapelle Roan. Didn’t realize she was a fucking idiot.
  8. DJSJ

    Gotta love Reddit mods who send out random bans and then never respond to any sort of DM. Even...

    Gotta love Reddit mods who send out random bans and then never respond to any sort of DM. Even more fun when you’re just trying to defend yourself against racist personal attacks. Yeah, gotta love Reddit
  9. DJSJ

    I’ve always found it absolutely baffling how people hold Kanye’s “Graduation” as an all time Hip...

    I’ve always found it absolutely baffling how people hold Kanye’s “Graduation” as an all time Hip Hop album. Ignoring his awful personal life, I’ve always found it to be be by far the worst of his pre-Yeezus, going batshit insane stuff. I really don’t get it
  10. DJSJ

    There’s a few young celebrities who almost definitely Scientologists and people just give them...

    There’s a few young celebrities who almost definitely Scientologists and people just give them the benefit of the doubt in the face of evidence, Chloe Fineman is another one. It’s so frustrating how the media picks and chooses who to demonize.
  11. DJSJ

    @Vinyl&Kicks86 comes from a Scientologist family (her aunt is Nancy Cartwright, who donates...

    @Vinyl&Kicks86 comes from a Scientologist family (her aunt is Nancy Cartwright, who donates millions annually). All signs point to her being one as well as utilizing church resources to launch her career. But she has a single Instagram comment where she half-assist denied it so people just take...
  12. DJSJ

    Let’s bring this same energy for Sabrina Carpenter.

    Let’s bring this same energy for Sabrina Carpenter.
  13. DJSJ

    Thats a completely different issue bro. Feel free to post your own status if you want to start...

    Thats a completely different issue bro. Feel free to post your own status if you want to start demonizing all religious people full stop.
  14. DJSJ

    And that’s not even beginning to dig into their criminal history, including empowering and...

    And that’s not even beginning to dig into their criminal history, including empowering and defending serial abusers and rapists. Oh and the fact that there’s multiple people who tried to leave the church and we’re never heard from again. Yeah totally legitimate, not a cult….
  15. DJSJ

    I think that’s part of the problem: legitimizing them as a religion so it’s treated as...

    I think that’s part of the problem: legitimizing them as a religion so it’s treated as acceptable as any other. It’s a straight up cult based on a failed sci fi writers work that attempts to lure in wealthy donors with pseudo-science and uses a sunk cost falacy combined with classic cult tactics...
  16. DJSJ

    Also that garbage Tom Cruise part of the Olympic closing ceremonies

    Also that garbage Tom Cruise part of the Olympic closing ceremonies
  17. DJSJ

    @jamieanderson1968 Nothing specific, just sick of the discourse shifting when the church hasn’t...

    @jamieanderson1968 Nothing specific, just sick of the discourse shifting when the church hasn’t changed at all. You have celebrities coming from established Scientology families like Chloe Fineman and Sabrina Carpenter, who are just given the benefit of the doubt by the general public, and even...
  18. DJSJ

    That’s the problem, people stop talking about it while nothing changes behind the scenes, you...

    That’s the problem, people stop talking about it while nothing changes behind the scenes, you have new celebrities from established Scientologist families who are just given the benifet of the doubt, and everyone’s just confidently forgotten about all the heinous shit this church does to both...
  19. DJSJ

    It’s amazing how tolerant people are of Scientologist celebrities in the year 2024. Outrage...

    It’s amazing how tolerant people are of Scientologist celebrities in the year 2024. Outrage comes in waves.
  20. DJSJ

    @MyWifeHatesTrain yeah that’s the problem, I mention they’re a shithole company, people ask for...

    @MyWifeHatesTrain yeah that’s the problem, I mention they’re a shithole company, people ask for an example, and I can’t even begin to keep all the scandals straight.