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  1. Aron

    Wilco in studio at right now. Stream it if you see this soon enough.

    Wilco in studio at right now. Stream it if you see this soon enough.
  2. Aron

    The logic in my above comment feels rather Marty DiBergi-esque. I get it, record company’s gonna...

    The logic in my above comment feels rather Marty DiBergi-esque. I get it, record company’s gonna record company.
  3. Aron

    Just a trend I’m noticing this year. A lot of albums in consideration for my year end list have...

    Just a trend I’m noticing this year. A lot of albums in consideration for my year end list have been between 30-35 minutes. And we are all aware of the deluxe edition that comes out a year after the initial release trick. Just add in the 2 tracks, and put out the “deluxe” release upfront. It...
  4. Aron

    And look, I love a lean and mean 45 minute album, but if an artist feels they can make the...

    And look, I love a lean and mean 45 minute album, but if an artist feels they can make the statement they want to make in 35 minutes, I’m great with that too. Just don’t turn around 12 months later with a deluxe version featuring 2 “new” songs recorded during the same sessions.
  5. Aron

    So I guess in 2023, if your full length album is over 35 minutes, then you were indulgent in the...

    So I guess in 2023, if your full length album is over 35 minutes, then you were indulgent in the studio? I don’t need 77 minutes of music or double albums from everybody, but, some of these new releases go by awfully quick.
  6. Aron

    It’s a tricky release. Kinda live, but not exactly. Revisiting old songs. It is not the kind of...

    It’s a tricky release. Kinda live, but not exactly. Revisiting old songs. It is not the kind of project I would normally be inclined to include, but I’ve really enjoyed it since its release.
  7. Aron

    New Music Friday!

    Her first record had a strong Angel Olsen vibe. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all. But I feel like she’s gradually shifted to the music that really fits her the best, which has been cool to see.
  8. Aron

    New Music Friday!

    Waiting for mine to arrive. I liked all of the advance singles quite a bit. This newer direction really suits her well.
  9. Aron

    So…are we considering Dylan’s “Shadow Kingdom” eligible for year end lists for 2023? Not sure...

    So…are we considering Dylan’s “Shadow Kingdom” eligible for year end lists for 2023? Not sure what the consensus is on how to classify this recording.
  10. Aron

    New Music Friday!

    I saw her show in Austin with the Crickets. I think that might have been the last time I saw her live. It was a fun show. Interested to check that one out.
  11. Aron

    The NFL is all about safe picks these days when it comes to the Halftime show for the Super...

    The NFL is all about safe picks these days when it comes to the Halftime show for the Super Bowl. This feels right in line with that approach. Shouldn’t ruffle too many feathers, or lend itself to ridiculous calls for boycotts or other nonsense.
  12. Aron

    New Music Friday!

    I feel like the past few weeks have yielded some really strong new releases. My best of list for this year has felt rather light until the past month or so. The new Slowdive and Will Johnson records have been great listens. Still need to listen to the new Mitski and Shakey Graves albums.
  13. Aron

    New Music Friday!

    Wasn’t aware there was a tribute record being released. I’ll have to check it out. i did get that Nanci box set that was just released from Craft, that features her pre-MCA records. Seems Nanci is getting a little spotlight right now, which I’m more than fine with.
  14. Aron

    Do not sleep on Will Johnson’s new album, “No Ordinary Crown”. Figured that warning might help...

    Do not sleep on Will Johnson’s new album, “No Ordinary Crown”. Figured that warning might help some folks avoid having to revise their end of year lists at the last minute. Songwriting is fantastic as usual, but the production on this record is so, so good.
  15. Aron

    The new mix definitely feels closer to “Let It Be”. Not all the way there, but certainly closer.

    The new mix definitely feels closer to “Let It Be”. Not all the way there, but certainly closer.
  16. Aron

    The new mix will take some getting used to, but I like it. Definitely closer to the feel of “Let...

    The new mix will take some getting used to, but I like it. Definitely closer to the feel of “Let It Be”.
  17. Aron

    My Deluxe “Tim” box arrived today. So I know what I’ll be listening to while working tomorrow...

    My Deluxe “Tim” box arrived today. So I know what I’ll be listening to while working tomorrow. The booklet included made for some great reading this evening.
  18. Aron

    Loved other parts of downtown Nashville, and really liked the Vanderbilt campus area, which is...

    Loved other parts of downtown Nashville, and really liked the Vanderbilt campus area, which is where we’re staying. These Broadway bars with an act playing strictly for tips on each of their 3 floors is garbage, if you ask me.
  19. Aron

    It’s like, “Do you want to go into ‘Jason Racist’s Big Ass Honky Tonk’ for a drink, or maybe hit...

    It’s like, “Do you want to go into ‘Jason Racist’s Big Ass Honky Tonk’ for a drink, or maybe hit ‘Kid Bigot’s House of Rock’ instead?” Also, if you want to hear mediocre classic rock covers, Broadway in Nashville is the place to go.
  20. Aron

    I dig a lot of Nashville, but I don’t really love the whole Broadway bar scene part. Which is...

    I dig a lot of Nashville, but I don’t really love the whole Broadway bar scene part. Which is like the main part.