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  1. Godardian

    The National

    ...and what do we have here?
  2. Godardian

    The National - Cherry Tree Club

    Not sure they'd put out a record when the HD video has been free on youtube for so long...but who knows. It's an incredible show.
  3. Godardian

    The National

    Awesome. Scott was in the crowd in the VIP during Pavement also. :)
  4. Godardian

    The National

    the new album is a's all over the subreddit. allegedly going to be announced today. unreal.
  5. Godardian

    Music Festivals

    Flying to Cincy Friday evening...Saturday only for me. Venue looks really small but weather looks perfect.
  6. Godardian

    The National

    Great set lists those two nights!
  7. Godardian

    The National

    looks like trouble will be finding me on that saturday
  8. Godardian

    The National

    i just love this thread...every varying opinion. somewhat similar to a question on the subreddit asking about your favorite Ntl song, reading through the answers was great for me because they were so different than the answers in my head and confirmed that you can come at this band and these...
  9. Godardian

    The National

    sounds like i need to book a hotel asap and also within walking distance...
  10. Godardian

    The National

    missed Bearsville and look what that turned into...been kicking myself since. going to try to get out there for Saturday...and the venue looks very, very small. I would imagine this will sell out quickly. and imo, VIP is usually worth it for the restrooms alone. :)
  11. Godardian

    The National

    I think this is very well said. Not sure why I bother with the reviews...this has been a loooooooong week.
  12. Godardian

    The National

    welp...seems the era of The National as critical darlings is coming to a close. oooof. luckily critics aren't fans (technically) but still kinda sucks.
  13. Godardian

    The National

    same boat
  14. Godardian

    The National

    I respect everyone's individual choice on the matter, but for me it doesn't make much sense to stop listening to songs you've already heard. And especially with National tracks, which are almost always growers. Anyway, I'll be listening to the 4 released songs on heavy rotation until the 28th...
  15. Godardian

    The National

    i'm usually very anti-spoken word...this skirts spoken word yet somehow really works. remarkable actually.
  16. Godardian

    New Music Friday!

    Where are all of my fellow alt-country-bar-band-southern-rock fans?
  17. Godardian

    The National

    ironically my favorite National song
  18. Godardian

    The National

    I like the song...but it hasn't grabbed me yet. I dont know...Matt sounds a bit tired maybe. Aaron's comments about hoping this is a glimpse into the band's future has me a bit concerned. But not concerned enough to not buy the t-shirt! ;)
  19. Godardian

    The National

  20. Godardian

    The National

    :( ...the reddit dude's bubble has finally burst. maybe next week.