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  1. Godardian

    The National - Cherry Tree Club

    That's #1 on my wishlist. It is badly needed.
  2. Godardian

    Neil Young

    I have a 3/3 (Wednesday) projected delivery date. A bit bummed.
  3. Godardian

    The National - Cherry Tree Club

    Ben Stiller and Hunter S. Thompson on the right. 😂
  4. Godardian

    The National - Cherry Tree Club

  5. Godardian

    The National

    I did. It's been beyond frustrating. I emailed 4 times for updates...finally on the 4th try they replied with this: "Our apologies for the delay, as we've been behind on COVID. We should be getting these test pressings this week, so the hope is to ship next week. So as soon as tracking is...
  6. Godardian

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I love it...paid for it for sure, but no complaints.
  7. Godardian

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I have a Parasound Halo Integrated that I use with Klipsch Forte III's. Signal coming from a mofi ultradeck & ultraphono. I am also using the coax plug in with a sonos connect, and the optical plug in for my tv. I think it's amazing.
  8. Godardian

    Neil Young

    Man that fireside session is exactly what I needed right now...
  9. Godardian

    Neil Young

    You've perfectly captured the feeling of many wives toward Neil and the Horse
  10. Godardian

    The National

    the Berninger brothers teasing 'Mistaken For Strangers II' on instagram to be released in 2020...can't tell if it's a joke or not
  11. Godardian

    Neil Young

    It's really great. There isn't a track on it that I skip yet, which is different from PP in that regard.
  12. Godardian

    The National

    how dare you ask such a question
  13. Godardian

    The National

    I'm going on Friday...also outdoors...rolling the dice
  14. Godardian

    The National

    yep...plastic sleeve. I was at the KC show last fall and it rained 80% of the show. got the poster signed by the kid who designed it and they sleeved it with a rubber band. worked well.
  15. Godardian

    Neil Young

    I love the back half...I've heard the hits so many times it's nice to get a live version of some of the deeper tracks. The whole thing is great, but that's what I've been drawn to the most so far.
  16. Godardian

    The National

    really great performance...that songs WORKS live better than i would have guessed
  17. Godardian

    Neil Young

    The LPs right after Harvest...Time Fades Away, On the Beach, Tonight's the Night, and Zuma are perhaps his best. At least give them a few spins each and I think it will land.
  18. Godardian

    Neil Young

    No Neil love yet on N&G? Let's go fam. 'Tuscaloosa' out today. Live versions from some of the best songs from After the Gold Rush, Harvest, Time Fades Away and Tonight's the Night. I listened to it Wednesday night on the Archives site and will probably pick up the LP today.
  19. Godardian

    The National

    Get the hotel...and enjoy yourself to the fullest at the show.
  20. Godardian

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I have an eye on a pair of the Klipsch HP-3 headphones. Any opinions? Warnings? Endorsements?