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  1. Fillip J Phry

    Everything Video Games!

    Same, I got a Pigeot EX from one of the event packs, and other than that it's been pure garbage pulls. Was going to say I also haven't seen a 3 stamina wonder pick in days, but I just checked and there's like 5 (none of which I want of course). Speaking of WP, anyone actually pulled a good card...
  2. Fillip J Phry

    N&G Secret Santa 2024

    I'm your Santa! Glad to see that you liked the gifts, and hope that things get better. Pretty funny about the Demon Souls, I saw it on your wantlist and jumped at the opportunity to gift a vidya game OST. Tried to do it in the past, but they're often way out of the budget unfortunately. Can't...
  3. Fillip J Phry

    Everything Video Games!

    I don't remember them mentioning it in the tutorials, I missed that too at first.
  4. Fillip J Phry

    Everything Video Games!

    Same here, Blasphemous 2 is still in my backlog. First one has some of the most gorgeous pixel art I've ever seen.
  5. Fillip J Phry

    Really felt for the guitarist who was struggling. Also loved how supportive the band was and...

    Really felt for the guitarist who was struggling. Also loved how supportive the band was and that the drummer really kept things together. Thought the song translated well to the genre too.
  6. Fillip J Phry

    December Vinyl Spins Challenge

    Love that my choice is still getting some love! That's the same version I have, along with the Fire Walk With Me pressing they also did around the same time.
  7. Fillip J Phry

    Everything Video Games!

    So many good announcements. One I haven't seen yet was Dotemu is making a new 2D Ninja Gaiden, the first in 29 years. Also go play Blasphemous, they also made that series and it rules.
  8. Fillip J Phry

    N&G Secret Santa 2024

    Santee, a bundle of joy is on the way!
  9. Fillip J Phry

    N&G Secret Santa 2024

    Now THERE's a twist on an old classic!
  10. Fillip J Phry

    What's Spinning

    Secret Santa play #1. Get Dead - Dancing With The Curse.
  11. Fillip J Phry

    N&G Secret Santa 2024

    Absolutely, and great timing on this! I have the next 2 days off so I'm planning on spinning everything.
  12. Fillip J Phry

    N&G Secret Santa 2024

    Holy moly, I am stunned! Picked up a package wrapped up in the Fort Knox equivalent of tape today, sent from the North Pole, which is in AZ apparently. Who knew? After carefully cutting open with surgical precision, I was blessed with a plethora of wonderful gifts! First off on the left side...
  13. Fillip J Phry

    N&G Secret Santa 2024

    Got the one I was waiting on today, so Santee, your gift will be going out tomorrow!
  14. Fillip J Phry

    N&G Secret Santa 2024

    Thanks, and you as well! Didn't want you having any anxiety if you were waiting on me!
  15. Fillip J Phry

    N&G Secret Santa 2024

    Not sure if I'm your Santee, but I have my packages delivered to work. I'm working from home today, and was informed I have 3 packages waiting. Could be a gift TO me, could be one of the gifts that will be FROM me, or both 🤷‍♂️
  16. Fillip J Phry

    YEAR END MEGALIST 2024!!!!

    I'm not ready yet!
  17. Fillip J Phry

    Everything Video Games!

    Oh man, speaking of Grass v. Fire. Got the Charizard Ex Rental deck a while back and figured it would be a good choice for the Venusaur Ex event. That deck is TERRIBLE. I ended up only wining 3/10 vs. the Expert deck. The three I won all got Charizard out, the rest I was stuck in Bad Draw Rat...
  18. Fillip J Phry

    Spotify Wrapped (share what you've been listening to!)

    I got Sweater Weather Rock-Ish Indie for May, June was Academic Permanent Wave Rock, and September was Chaotic Academia Jam Band Indie Rock, all full of the bands that were on my top lists.
  19. Fillip J Phry

    Everything Video Games!

    Need to hop back in now that there's been a couple updates. Was having a good time, but then the game would randomly go in slideshow mode for like a minute at a time. No rhyme or reason, happened in towns, happened when there was nothing around.