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  1. Fillip J Phry

    Everything Video Games!

    Thanks for the advice! Think I'll try it 1st playthrough near the end, but if it's too much I'll come back on the 2nd playthrough.
  2. Fillip J Phry

    Everything Video Games!

    Making steady progress through Bloodborne. Just beat Rom, the Vacuous Spider, and things have gotten much more...Eldritch. Currently in Yahar'Gul having more fun than I did in the Forbidden Forest. The Shadow of Yharnam boss was a bit annoying, though I think my biggest enemy in that fight was...
  3. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    All right, that does all connect. However, this is my first official Not It. That being said, today's clue(s) will be tied to your connections: Aria link is correct. Not the 15th album, nor is it tied to the number of albums. I will say this particular clue is a bit out there and may be...
  4. Fillip J Phry

    Rank The Albums!

    MGMT holds a special place in my heart. Hearing them helped get me out of a "punk only" mindset I foolishly had as a teenager. Funny enough, a friend played them while we were driving to a NOFX concert. Fell in love with Oracular Spectacular, and have been along for the ride ever since. It's...
  5. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    I thought it was a good pick. Haters be damned!
  6. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    Looking through that list of artists, how funny would it be to have the Dan twice in a row?
  7. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    Since it's still the first week, I'll only say it's not Bill Clinton.
  8. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    Not a guess I would have...guessed. Gotta know, what's your reasoning here?
  9. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    You're giving me too much credit, I WISH I was smart enough to make a crazy connection like this!
  10. Fillip J Phry

    Everything Video Games!

    Only time you might need them is for the ones where you have to transport a Korok to their buddy. But most of the time there's a simple build solution nearby, or you can just straight up grab them and carry them to the destination, provided you don't have to get them to a high up platform or...
  11. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    Loved the initial guesses, not going to say if they're right or even close. Here is the first official clue: 15
  12. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    That's fair. It is the first album of theirs I heard. Blew my preteen mind. Punk in Drublic's up among my favorites too, though I think So Long and Thanks For All the Shoes is my #1.
  13. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    Gotta ask - why this NOFX album specifically?
  14. Fillip J Phry

    New guess thread up for the April AOTM. Taking all preliminary guesses! N&G April AOTM Thread

    New guess thread up for the April AOTM. Taking all preliminary guesses! N&G April AOTM Thread
  15. Fillip J Phry

    New Music Friday!

    This is pretty much my list for the week, sans the new Pissed Jeans.
  16. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AOTM Year 5: General Thread & Archive

    Fortunately, you got a month to prep, or procrastinate like I did :cool: for this month's guess thread!
  17. Fillip J Phry

    N&G AoTM /// Vol. 58 - April 2024 /// Angelo Badalamenti - The Music of Twin Peaks

    Reserved for any other shenanigans worthy of the front page.