Stopped by two locals today. Left the second with nothing but back pain, but found these in the firsts used bins. Top left is the flaming lips and heady fwends.
Update: cork mat arrived, just as many static pops as the felt. Don’t feel the need to spend $150 more on acrylic platter when I’ve already spent almost $700 on TT and mat, just to see if it will play fine.
Boxed it all up and sending it back tomorrow. Dont think I had one record that...
If someone had the smarts they could write the app for use on a tidybyt. There are already apps for spotify and sonos for it. Tidbyt - See What Matters
Yeah, from what limited info I could find online it seems to be 🤷🏼♂️
Went through the the counterweight and tracking force set up and i didn’t have it right the first time. Got it all fixed up after watching a set up video on YouTube. A little more room between cartridge and record now
Yes, I’ve seen that. I also read a few comments on Reddit that I wouldn’t see much difference between the acrylic platter that the new platter on the evo 🤷🏼♂️
Will see how the cork goes on Monday and go from there
I’m using an anti-static brush when I put them on. When I take the record off the felt mat damn near comes up with it. I’ve ordered the cork-it mat and it should be here Monday. Hopefully that will help
Records cleaned with spin clean and put into an anti-static inner sleeve
Instead of just buying a new cart and stylus to fix my Frankenstein set up, I went and bought a new turntable (project debut carbon evo) because that is more fun. Needle seems to be riding real low. Tracking for for the cart (sumiko rainer) says 1.8-2g. Thoughts?
Other issue is I get some...
Going to order the 95ML cartridge/headshell . Turns out I may have been goofin for the last 4years or so by using the AT-VM95E stylus on an AT-VM91R cartridge. Whoopsie