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  1. DevonJD

    Record Store Day 2024

    If anyone is out and about and sees that stress eater album, I wouldn’t mind it
  2. DevonJD

    Interscope Vinyl Collective

    I think sign ups are January 1st
  3. DevonJD

    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    At least some of that is going to the band
  4. DevonJD

    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    Just passing this along from NickAlt so after all the claims, it looks like we have some remaining copies of OK Go’s record. Since they got screwed over by Bandbox too, we’re cutting them in on the proceeds. here's the link in case you know any other OK Go fans. figured i’d send to you first as...
  5. DevonJD

    Interscope Vinyl Collective

    I’ll just need Zion I - mind over matter and count bass-d - dwight spitz and I can retire from the vinyl game
  6. DevonJD

    Interscope Vinyl Collective

    One of my few grails is coming in January and I am stoked
  7. DevonJD

    Pre-Order Thread
  8. DevonJD

    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    Yes, it was like $7.
  9. DevonJD

    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    Got my last two from Bandbox today
  10. DevonJD

    Pre-Order Thread

    Sold out already. Hopefully they will do another release like they did with Silence
  11. DevonJD

    Needles & Grooves AotM///Vol. 32 February 2022/// The Faint - Wet From Birth Looks like a blank wave arcade reissue is in the works
  12. DevonJD

    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    DM from Nick Alt with tracking info saying my ok go and Elliott smith should arrive Friday. Tracking shows it departed Denver today, so it should be here before then. Will update when they arrive
  13. DevonJD

    Your next Hamilton, [MEDIA]

    Your next Hamilton,
  14. DevonJD

    Vinyl Me Please Rap & Hip Hop

    Sorry for putting ice in your fart box
  15. DevonJD

    Vinyl Me Please Rap & Hip Hop

    I’m well aware of who he is, just never been a fan. Not trying to yuck your yum, I just think there are better albums (to me) from 2003 that could use the VMP treatment/reissue; little brother, Murs, Monsta island czars, lyrics born, zion I, lifesavas
  16. DevonJD

    Vinyl Me Please Rap & Hip Hop

    So many good choices In 2003, so of course VMP would pick brother Ali
  17. DevonJD

    I don’t know what the weather will be like, but my wife did a walking ghost tour that was really...

    I don’t know what the weather will be like, but my wife did a walking ghost tour that was really cool. Don’t remember the name of the company but I believe it met close to the Louis Armstrong park
  18. DevonJD

    Pre-Order Thread

    Ladytrons live at Astoria got a small repress on white vinyl
  19. DevonJD

    The National

    Still interested in the 3LP version if anyone can help
  20. DevonJD

    The National

    If any cherry tree member isn’t going to buy one of these for some reason, I would be interested