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  1. Bull Shannon

    2024 Reading Challenge

    Book 12: There’s Always This Year: On Basketball and Ascension, by Hanif Abdurraqib I was born in the 80s, and came into grade school during the height of Michael Jordan worship and the cultural dominance of basketball. I had parents whose instinct was to pull us kids away from anything popular...
  2. Bull Shannon


    Still gathering my thoughts on Civil War, mainly in the sense that I'm struggling to square 1) the online discourse drummed up by the movie's obviously-provocative title and imagery, 2) Garland's insistence that vague worldbuilding and a focus on journalists puts ideas/questions ahead of...
  3. Bull Shannon

    Neil Young

    Couldn't help but spoil the setlist for myself; very few songs I'm unfamiliar with and several if not most are absolute bucket-list must-sees in my book. The 3D solo tour was my first time seeing Neil live and while it was a great experience I cherish, I'll admit I didn't know many of the tunes.
  4. Bull Shannon

    Neil Young

    New dates added for OR, WA, ID, and UT: Member presale is this morning.
  5. Bull Shannon

    2024 Reading Challenge

    Last year we had 3 or 4 people reading Song of Solomon; I thought you were the second person to say they were reading 50 years of Wrestlemania. Until I searched the thread and realized you were the one to bring it up previously. Joke failed.
  6. Bull Shannon

    2024 Reading Challenge

    Is 30 Years of Wrestlemania to 2024 what Song of Solomon was to 2023??
  7. Bull Shannon

    2024 Reading Challenge

    Book 7: Ripley Under Ground, by Patricia Highsmith Picked this up during a weekend trip in the middle of my Don Quixote read; this def went down better on a plane ride than Cervantes. I read Talented Mr. Ripley a few years back and loved it, so I’m trying to crawl through the series. Under...
  8. Bull Shannon


    Absolutely an opening weekend experience for me. Loving the Hartnett resurgence.
  9. Bull Shannon

    Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

    Sorry to butt in where uninvited but FJM is in back of mind when I think of this topic. I think he remains relatively unchanged as a persona (haircut for the most recent album nonwithstanding), and the reinventions are more apparent in the music (apocalypse album, divorce album, jazzy crooner...
  10. Bull Shannon

    Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

    I'm loving this discussion, and as is typical any time I lob a hot take bomb into a room I find myself immediately amending, hemming and hawing, and otherwise realizing all the grey areas on the margins of surety. I think there's always some inherent artifice in being a performer. Even a...
  11. Bull Shannon

    Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

    And those are all treated as separate projects; whether you declare King Geedorah is "DOOM as King Geedorah" or "Daniel Dumille as King Geedorah," we can all agree Take Me to Your Leader is a King Geedorah project.
  12. Bull Shannon

    Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

    You got me with Prince switching to a symbol (though that was a much-malgined move) and the Beatles becoming Sgt. Peppers' LHCB, but wouldn't Madonna and Dylan fall more under the category of a constantly shifting image? The artist is the character in that case. See also: The Ramones, Chris Gaines.
  13. Bull Shannon

    Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

    Maybe I'm letting specific examples stick in my craw (Bono and St. Vincent, for two), but I think the whole "I'm putting on a costume and adding a layer of abstraction onto my extant, inherent persona" schtick is in conversation with "authenticity;" instead of chasing it, you're running in the...
  14. Bull Shannon

    Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

    Here's one: beyond Bowie, any time a musician has developed a "character" for an album cycle, you're in for a bad time.
  15. Bull Shannon


    Late to the conversation but I’d say my two worst “what the hell am i watching” theater experiences were Southland Tales and Rise of Skywalker. Those were the only screenings where the audience was actively and vocally deriding the film, rejecting it like a misdonated organ. I’m curious to...
  16. Bull Shannon


  17. Bull Shannon

    Neil Young

    I chuckled and said "T-Bone already rated way too low," then found Vampire Blues in the high 90s and realized this is a list I'll need to sit down and really engage with.
  18. Bull Shannon

    Criterion Club

    heck, depending on how you want to split hairs (Mean Streets is more about small-time hoods than actual mobsters, Casino is about an associate of organized crime), I'd argue Goodfellas, The Departed, and The Irishman are his only straight-up mob movies.
  19. Bull Shannon

    New Music Friday!

    I don't even know how much I like the album (the sheer number of interludes announcing this is a country album are a bit tiring) but this feels like an ungenerous assessment. It's more focused on the media narrative surrounding the album, the fact that it's a pop album which centers the pop...
  20. Bull Shannon


    My hot take is despite the lack of characterization there's still plenty to be said in those books about love, feelings, and what makes us human. Kinda like Dune, it operates with wide-lens panoramas and tight close-ups with little in-between. I am curious how the next seasons (if they come)...