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  1. Bull Shannon

    Lana itself is real good tho.

    Lana itself is real good tho.
  2. Bull Shannon

    What’s the strategy in releasing a “Deluxe” album that’s just a completely separate album...

    What’s the strategy in releasing a “Deluxe” album that’s just a completely separate album followed by the original? This is almost as offputting as SOS landing on all the 2023 lists because it was released after the 2022 best-of cycle.
  3. Bull Shannon


    Still reading through this across the morning, but the description of mail-order Netflix makes me nostalgic for that brief window when they'd sell overstock at bargain basement prices. Great times.
  4. Bull Shannon

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    I'm not sure if this is the thread for it since I'm talking audio for a video projector and not a vinyl set up (I bounced between Home Improvement, Movies, and the main Equipment Recommendation thread; please let me know if you think there's a better spot for this question): I'm looking for a...
  5. Bull Shannon

    Everything Video Games!

    I guess you can't make everyone happy, but that Elden Ring spin-off seems exciting specifically for seems. The one-off-ness of it and the mixing in of Dark Souls bosses, as well as the inability to create all sounds intriguing and not meant to be taken too...
  6. Bull Shannon

    Criterion Club

    Could I interest you in a fresh transfer of Days of Heaven?
  7. Bull Shannon

    Criterion Club

    yup, they hid it in a sale announcement.
  8. Bull Shannon


    You'd be ahead of the curve if you didn't pick Being There; it's like there's a rule that every third person in the Criterion Closet has to praise Being There.
  9. Bull Shannon

    Spotify Wrapped (share what you've been listening to!)

    Top .5% of MJ listeners, apparently 👀
  10. Bull Shannon

    Your Fave is Problematic

    And if you’re in the mood for more schadenfreude, the author of the VF piece “explains” himself: Can’t tell if he’s deluded or a troll, but he claims his writing was deliberately bad, to...
  11. Bull Shannon

    Your Fave is Problematic

    Yes! I'm deeply squicked out by the authorial voice here. He seems swept up by the idea that she (and possibly McCarthy) read his substack and is too excited by proximity to a Great Man to recognize the SA survivor in front of him. Another wrinkle: some seem to speculate the subject is a...
  12. Bull Shannon

    Your Fave is Problematic

    This is paywalled, so I can't tell how much the article calls out how gross this is, but the headline and blurb make it scads grosser: eta: found an archived version; it's even worse than the headline. I can't believe...
  13. Bull Shannon


    It was an interesting review because I wanted to reject it and the author's judgement, but the only thing I disagreed about their assessment was whether it added up to a good movie or a bad one.
  14. Bull Shannon


    Curious on the generational divide on EEAaO, as well as how you think that'll play out for Anora. I saw it last night and thought it was pretty great, though I had to move to the other side of the auditorium from some people who were talking, which is annoying on its own but they were saying...
  15. Bull Shannon


    It's all right with me.
  16. Bull Shannon

    2024 Reading Challenge

    Yep, this was chock-full of unpleasant people and unpleasant fluids.
  17. Bull Shannon


    Been watching Northern Exposure basically for the first time; I remember it being on when I was a child but it absolutely flew over my head. Strange to watch a show you’ve absorbed on a superficial level yet are seeing for the first time. I’m on the tail end of season three, and it’s so...
  18. Bull Shannon


    Second ever?? You are a unique beast, my friend (complimentary).
  19. Bull Shannon

    2024 Reading Challenge

    Book 24: A Clash of Kings, by George RR Martin I remember really enjoying this one first time around but wow did it take me a while to get through. There are some good expansions of the world, especially in the five kings warring for the throne and some extra magic getting sprinkled in. It’s...
  20. Bull Shannon

    Portland / Oregon

    ~35th and Burnside: