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  1. Bull Shannon

    Portland / Oregon I've seen Malkmus around town a handful of occasions (including earlier this summer; we locked eyes as he walked into the grocery store but I got weirdly embarrassed and looked away because I was...
  2. Bull Shannon


    It's the only decolorization that's made any thematic/visual sense to me.
  3. Bull Shannon

    Immerse Your Soul In Love - The Radiohead Thread

    It's funny, The Smile didn't click for me until the second album; all I'm seeing since is it doesn't hold a candle. Tastes are subjective, but I'm clearly in the minority. Still haven't listened to Cutouts yet.
  4. Bull Shannon

    2024 Reading Challenge

    I have holds on these from the library right now in light of the new installment. I've only read Annihilation; I've heard mixed things on the other two. But I've read a couple other Vandermeers, so it feels like time.
  5. Bull Shannon


    Driver is an excellent actor, but is a bit too sincere. There's a part where he's bandaged up and he keeps going "no no no no no no no" (I think it's seven times each time, I only started counting with the last couple rounds), and it clicked there: Cage can service the project and be as weird as...
  6. Bull Shannon


    Yeah, I heard the Southland Tales comparisons going in...I need to rewatch ST again; when I first saw it in theaters we were laughing our asses off, though I think we thought we were laughing at it and I wonder how much I'd be laughing with it this time. My current Megalopolis hot take is the...
  7. Bull Shannon


    The ending sounds hilarious.
  8. Bull Shannon


    Dangit I only meant to reply to the quoted post and didn’t see the leftover draft from a few days ago. I’ll leave it in its half-baked glory, in FFC’s honor. But you’re absolutely right: it’s kind of good in some ways, unforgivably bad in others. Impossible to say it’s one or the other, and...
  9. Bull Shannon


    so...Megalopolis. I thought it was technically good, in the sense that the production design was good, the camera was in focus nerds are the new bullies.
  10. Bull Shannon

    Everything Video Games!

    I've always been a late adopter for new consoles, and they've done nothing for me: games kept (keep!) getting released on PS4 as well, so there was no real hurry. Now they have the Pro out and the price isn't appealing in the least. I don't want to pay less for the version that's been available...
  11. Bull Shannon

    I can't look at the Jamie XX album cover or I'll fall out of my chair

    I can't look at the Jamie XX album cover or I'll fall out of my chair
  12. Bull Shannon


    After many delays, we finally have a trailer for Bong Joon Ho’s Mickey 17. Trailers can be deceiving but it feels like the studio is majorly fumbling the bag here.
  13. Bull Shannon

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    I still get promotional emails despite not being a member for a bit. Are...are things going ok over there? This seems like major damage control, considering how close to the vest they've seemed to be about delays in the past.
  14. Bull Shannon

    Nick Cave & the Bad Threads

    $125 after fees for dead middle, aisle seat; I'll take it.
  15. Bull Shannon

    Everything Video Games!

    It's like they want me to skip an entire generation of consoles.
  16. Bull Shannon

    Nick Cave & the Bad Threads

    Ugh, I was hoping not to clear $100 for one lonely seat.
  17. Bull Shannon

    Nick Cave & the Bad Threads

    Acoustically it doesn't seem wise, but it seems better when compared to using the full arena. Compared to using the Schnitz or Keller? Weird choice!
  18. Bull Shannon

    Nick Cave & the Bad Threads

    Have you been to a show at the...what do they call Moda Center with curtains? Theater of the Gods or something? Anyway, I had tickets to see him in that configuration in '20 and will probably cop a seat for this because I've never seen him, but am curious how this will play.
  19. Bull Shannon


    Kids LOVE watching other people play video games, or machinima built in game engines; seems like a cynical miscalculation to think kids want to watch Jack Black and Jason Momoa on a soundstage rather than them bantering over in-game footage.
  20. Bull Shannon


    It looks like a superbowl commercial.