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  1. Bull Shannon

    i think “oh yeah well why don’t you make a _____” is a flaccid response to criticism, but it...

    i think “oh yeah well why don’t you make a _____” is a flaccid response to criticism, but it *would* be funny if all criticism *had* to take the form of a better piece of art in the same medium
  2. Bull Shannon


    It's weird: I feel more optimistic about movies and moviegoing than I have in a while. Remember Dune II was pretty huge. And remember Furiosa is a rated-R, offbeat action movie; as much as Fury Road paved the way (ha ha) for Furiosa, the audience is narrow. The high-profile, big-budget releases...
  3. Bull Shannon


    I came to it third-hand; the cohost Michael Hobbes used to cohost You're Wrong About, a similar deep-dive podcast concerning historical events we collectively misremember. He fractured off to do Maintenance Phase, which is a similar format though it concerns diet culture and fad eating. But...
  4. Bull Shannon


    The Arizona in Raising Arizona barely resembles the Arizona I grew up in (both in the sense that the dusty, remote areas it takes place in are now developed into suburbs; as well as in the odd number of southern accents (truly, I hear more southern style accents in rural Oregon than Arizona))...
  5. Bull Shannon


    Grain of salt; a big point on the podcast is that Spurlock was a lifelong alcoholic and the documentary elides that when the doctor claims a month of mcdonalds wrecked his liver.
  6. Bull Shannon


    Furiosa. Fury Road was the chariot race, Furiosa is Ben-Hur in full.
  7. Bull Shannon


    Weird; I just listened to this a couple weeks back: RIP and I feel for his family, but guy wasn't great.
  8. Bull Shannon


    apparently it's as big a blunder as getting involved in a land war in Asia.
  9. Bull Shannon


    What a dang movie. I was very unsure going in; off the age of the actors/characters and the relative newness of the filmmaker that this would be a zoomer text, with very little for me to relate to. Ditto with the trans allegory; I thought I was walking into something that simply wasn't for me...
  10. Bull Shannon


    I can't believe I doubted George. And I liked 3000 Years of Longing!
  11. Bull Shannon

    Everything Video Games!

    Yep, my parents didn't allow vidya games in the house, so I'd steal time at the department/toy store demos whenever I could. The Virtual Boy was especially harsh, as I recall it was set up for taller kids than myself. So I'd walk away from ~5 minutes of Virtual Boy Wario Land with a headache and...
  12. Bull Shannon

    tony soprano driving around, singing along with yo la tengo’s ‘suguarcube’

    tony soprano driving around, singing along with yo la tengo’s ‘suguarcube’
  13. Bull Shannon


    Just finished it yesterday myself; I really savored this show and thought it was a visual treat. As for Malkovich, I got an impression that
  14. Bull Shannon

    Pokémon Go

    The graphics and framerate are improved but my dude looks like a dangass gelfling.
  15. Bull Shannon

    Pokémon Go

    work has me staying at a hotel in Times Square; on the plus side when there’s a raid at the nearby gyms you’re guaranteed to find a group. On the minus, the gyms don’t stay affiliated with a specific team for more than six minutes 🫠
  16. Bull Shannon

    Music News / Reviews

    more Stop Making Sense Q&As?
  17. Bull Shannon

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    and to think I'd recently felt cooled down enough from the forum closing and the nutty Weyes Blood delay to consider signing back up...
  18. Bull Shannon


    The weird thing is, I'm not familiar with Seinfeld's Pop Tarts joke so much as the NYT article a few years back outlining his process for writing the joke; so to me it feels like this movie is based on how amazing Jerry Seinfeld's creative process is. Doesn't bode well that the framing device...
  19. Bull Shannon


    Here's a weird one: In 2008 or early 2009, I was fresh outta film school right as the Recession hit. Typical of the underemployed in LA, I signed up to gig as an extra. This mostly involved seatfilling in live studio audiences and I guess wasn't very profitable because I gave it up pretty...
  20. Bull Shannon

    2024 Reading Challenge

    It's well worth one's time; I might recommend spacing out reading it, as the essay format allows it and the density of emotion and thought can be a little overwhelming. It's something to savor. I can't think of anyone else writing on this level right now.