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  1. Bull Shannon


    Benioff and Weiss fixed 3-Body's shortcomings by expanding the first book's thinly drawn protagonist into five thinly drawn protagonists.
  2. Bull Shannon

    the AVClub has eliminated its comments section. I'm...I'm...FREE

    the AVClub has eliminated its comments section. I'm...I'm...FREE
  3. Bull Shannon


    It's giving:
  4. Bull Shannon

    The Reader’s Nook - The N&G Book Thread

    We'll be in the area so a visit may be in order! It's a family trip, so that could mean a stuffed itinerary or the need to add some side journeys such as this.
  5. Bull Shannon

    The Reader’s Nook - The N&G Book Thread

    Heading to the Indiana area in a couple weeks for the eclipse and thought some Vonnegut would be fun and fine. Might reread Cat's Cradle or Slaughterhouse, but of those I haven't read Mother Night, Galapagos, and Slapstick pique my interest; does anyone who's read those have thoughts?
  6. Bull Shannon


    I woulda used plot as a point of comparison if the other prequels were different in that regard.
  7. Bull Shannon


    I've been meaning to do a full series rewatch and am actually kinda looking forward to the Phantom Menace; compared to the two movies following it, there's something to be said for the sheer amount of physical sets, props, and characters.
  8. Bull Shannon

    ELO tickets 🥰

    ELO tickets 🥰
  9. Bull Shannon


    tbh my overall approach to mileage is similarly mood-and-circumstance based more than it follows any method or plan. i also escalate mileage across a week, though i tend to have a number in mind as i embark. i’m very there-and-back (which kinda necessitates a plan), and very bad at tacking a...
  10. Bull Shannon


    When it comes to distance running, the common knowledge I see thrown around is to try to increase by no more than 10% a week. But how does that work once you’ve hit a peak distance and then reduce? In my case, I hit about eight miles back in December, then got a bad cold one week, the sidewalks...
  11. Bull Shannon


    This is me as well; I read the books ~8 years ago, just reread the first one in anticipation of this show. I think they’re trying to expand the cast (while they say they’re globalizing the cast, I feel more like they’re anglicizing them) and amp up the drama, and that seems like eliding what...
  12. Bull Shannon


    I know the story's from the perspective of someone who doesn't relate to others' reactions to the apocalypse, but everyone but Carol seems annoying or disingenuous in their actions. The detached, alienated energy takes a lot of the air out of things for me.
  13. Bull Shannon


    Has anyone watched Carol and the End of the World on Netflix yet? I tried the first episode, didn't connect, and am trying the second episode after hearing some praise on a podcast. The tone and perspective are...kind of frustrating me.
  14. Bull Shannon

    Everything Video Games!

    I'm realizing I haven't just bopped around the map, exploring, since my initial playthrough. Since then I've been completely goal-oriented.
  15. Bull Shannon

    Everything Video Games!

    After a couple months playing Dark Souls (I'm on the final boss but need to grind and do the DLC if I'm to avoid being one-shotted) I returned to Elden Ring. I have a NG+1 (or 2?) character, but I wanted a fresh playthrough for that game's DLC. I'd started that playthrough a few months back but...
  16. Bull Shannon

    2024 Reading Challenge

    Yep, mine is the NYRB copy/translation, which I guess they elected should be changed to "children" over "sons"; the praise for the translators might just be for the sake of the back cover, but I'm inclined to pursue their other translations.
  17. Bull Shannon

    Neil Young

    Good news/Bad news:
  18. Bull Shannon

    Cute Animal Thread

    We’ve been meaning to get a dna test on our rescue for the last 4+ years we’ve had her. Our suspicion was schnauzer/husky; we’ve even had strangers stop us to guess as much. So color us surprised when the results came back: she’s half Siberian husky, half poodle. Which lines up, but is an...
  19. Bull Shannon


    Damn you eating good my friend.
  20. Bull Shannon


    Weight is weird, and not always a good metric for fitness; since I started running a few years back I've failed to lose any weight, and actually weigh the most I have in my life. 🤷‍♂️