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  1. Mtcvinyl

    [June] Master RSD 2021 Wantlist / Help Thread

    I am in the exact same boat. I reached out to Fat Beats but haven’t heard back yet. Has anyone seen one in the wild anywhere? Maybe pushed back to July?
  2. Mtcvinyl

    [June] Master RSD 2021 Wantlist / Help Thread

    I grabbed both at yellow dog. So I am good
  3. Mtcvinyl

    [June] Master RSD 2021 Wantlist / Help Thread

    I am traveling so won’t be able to shop this weekend, none of my locals participate anyway... I wouldn’t mind if someone could scoop up the soft bulletin companion / Flaming Lips And the blue Angel Dream / Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers both should be readily available so if someone can’t...
  4. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    Looks like it’s gone.
  5. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    Thanks grabbed one still 2 left
  6. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    Somebody call me when these are available elsewhere. That pricing is ridiculous. I could understand maybe for like the 3LP Francis a 60ish price tag but just ridiculous overall.
  7. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    ROG pressed a Morphine live release a bit ago. Morphine - Live at the Warfield
  8. Mtcvinyl

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    Hey @ThePakoBuelna if you still have room on your order and willing to turn an album around. Would love to grab a copy of the Spiritualized if that’s possible. Get you on cost and turn around shipping to Albany, NY.
  9. Mtcvinyl

    sad, beautiful, tragic: the n&g taylor swift thread

    Saw this posted on another forum. But a pretty good “why is Taylor re-recording her albums” for dummies.
  10. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    Grabbed one of these. BPB I am super hot or room temp on from project to project. But like what I heard here. not vinyl but Nicole Atkins has a bandcamp Friday digital single up with Marissa Nadler
  11. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    Good headphones turned up loud and Loveless.
  12. Mtcvinyl

    The Record Collectors Club

    Cool idea. I used the first day my kids' school shutdown because of the pandemic, as the starting point for an album a day post of my collection alphabetically by album title. Been an interesting way to dig through my collection. 377 days on and still going, somewhere in the S's currently.
  13. Mtcvinyl

    Secretly Society

    Thanks will shoot them a note
  14. Mtcvinyl

    Secretly Society

    I signed up feb 25 so by the rules I am reading I should be in for Female Species but no LP yet. Seems like I should have received by now, no?
  15. Mtcvinyl

    Immerse Your Soul In Love - The Radiohead Thread

    This is a stupid hard task... Pablo Honey: Thinking About You The Bends: The Bends OK Computer: Climbing Up The Walls Kid A: How to Disappear Completely Amnesiac: I Might Be Wrong Hail to the Thief: Scatterbrain In Rainbows: Weird Fishes/Arpeggi The King of Limbs: Codex A Moon Shaped...
  16. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    Grabbed the orange because it looks good with the album art. I have Jesus hits on the clear so considered keeping it consistent but maybe I will grab a new color per album!
  17. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    Went for the society 3 month for this. I have been on a dinosaur jr kick lately so this was a nice addition to today.
  18. Mtcvinyl

    The N&G Top 500 Albums of All Time!!!

    Tom Waits- heart of Saturday night is listed twice in the 400s
  19. Mtcvinyl

    The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

    I can admit as a Bills fan for the past 4 decades (my whole life...) i teared up a bit with that win today