Search results

  1. Lek

    Headphone input

    The Meze are stunning looking....but never had a V shaped sound before so not sure if it is something i would like, or not but will explore a bit more. I have looked a bit into the LCD 2 and X but not planning on EQ, or not much of it. Had a 5 band Loki on the system but it has been off for a...
  2. Lek

    Headphone input

    ok...background...i prefer headphones these days more so because i have lost 50% hearing , maybe a bit less, in my right ear and have tinnitus in it (not major but there). The close proximity of the music output seemingly works much better than speakers as 12-18'.....though speakers are ok...
  3. Lek

    Upcoming/Recent Shows

    Kaleo, this past Tuesday at Red Hat Amphitheater. They put on a great show!
  4. Lek

    Soul Step Records Subscription

    I just spun this last weekend.....what a great listen!!!....Thanks!!!
  5. Lek

    New ultrasonic vinyl cleaner in the works: Humminguru

    Well...did buy the Nova. Cleaned about a dozen albums so far. All were cleaned with spin doctor in the past. Ran 3/5 and 10 minute cleans (depending on age of lp). Did too take an older mess of an lp and ran all three modes on it. There was a diiferenc, and now it is less of a mess, but...
  6. Lek

    Nick Cave & the Bad Threads

    ...bad timing for tour , for me....will be out of the country more than likely. Too bad, the album is perfect.
  7. Lek

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    Used to have al up to 52nd street....lost them (or got rid o f them) in the great shut down and purging of the mid 2000' any event, only one i would consider bringing back would be Turnstiles. Start to finish Joel perfection.
  8. Lek

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    I have the first two - originals.....they both sound amazing. But past those two albums, i do not have a big interest in them.
  9. Lek

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    Hmmm...."Like the group’s debut, Abraxas long laid claim to one of the biggest production gaffes in music history. Until Mobile Fidelity corrected the error with its 2008 LP and gold CD reissues, Abraxas had never been heard correctly. For nearly four decades, copies were produced with the left...
  10. Lek

    What's Spinning

  11. Lek

    What's Spinning

  12. Lek

    Online Vinyl Deals

    i suppose i do not get it...why do i need 3 lp's of crazy outtakes and such that i really could not care less 'bout just a killer remaster of an album at a reasonable price point.
  13. Lek

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Awesome....went over and pre-ordered the (2) Donny Hathaway releases!
  14. Lek

    New ultrasonic vinyl cleaner in the works: Humminguru

    Hmmmm....we could redesign the turntable to accommodate all of this. Say we make a 3-4" high x 16" x 16" or so casing. Miniaturize all the components to fit in the box. We could put a slit in the front of the box to slide the LP in, this way no need to open a cover for access and allow...
  15. Lek

    Welcome - Introduce Yourself Here

    Hmmm...thought i did the exchange...but i will go back and double check.
  16. Lek

    Welcome - Introduce Yourself Here

    Not possible....but they do say, to experience something to it's fullest extent - use all your senses. What to get?...with the remains of what i had and new - 5-700 physical albums - so while over the top is cool, not justifiable given cerrent collection size. Looked then at Degritter...still...
  17. Lek

    Welcome - Introduce Yourself Here

    'afternoon all....found this place whilst looking into possibly purchasing an ultrasonic cleaner. Relatively helpful info here and of course, with so much here, did some looking around and well - some very nice reading elsewhere so figured i would register and just say hello as i continue to do...