Once I searched the album both showed. Seems weird to me. My explicit filter is right. Guess I’m just pissed because it changes how I look for my music. Too old for change!🤣
@zomgbear I only use Spotify at work through my phone and Bluetooth. So I haven’t dug much yet, but I wanted to play Atmosphere - When life gives you lemons. Under the artist discography it has all the albums but not the explicit version of this one at least.
I'm guessing that dropdown is web not app. This shit is really frustrating. Going to have to go back to being a pirate. Never had an issue finding explicit versions before today.
Hmmm? I emailed, I guess I’ll find out. I feel like I looked into this a while back and must have blown it off or forgot about it again. I was buying so many records and music related stuff then, and I’m sure it was even more crazy for them.