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  1. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Let me know how it sounds. I could definitely upgrade this Abraxas and I love the mofi versions of III and Caravanserai
  2. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Of Abraxas?
  3. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    More Santana on tonight. Started with the debut. Now on Abraxas
  4. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

  5. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Note: Barbarism Begins At Home hasn’t played yet.
  6. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    I sometimes would rank this as my fourth favourite Smiths album. But listening now, I fucking love every note.
  7. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Saw a smiths tribute a few weeks ago and this album was really well represented
  8. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Will need to give that a whirl
  9. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Yes. Still there.
  10. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    It isn’t
  11. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Ok on to side 2 of Caravanserai. And unless it is covered in faeces this is a stellar object all people should buy.
  12. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Bass line on All The Love In The Universe. Sweet
  13. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    I lick it off them
  14. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    This is fucking wonderful. I have a copy and got the Santana IIi mofi and it was great so I thought I need to get Caravanserai mofi next. It has exceeded expectations
  15. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Carlos fucking shredding, dynamic sound, great drumming. Maybe my favourite by Santana.
  16. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Got this beauty here today. And wow does it sound good.
  17. Murfocakes

    Murfocakes drinky spins

    Hello all, rather than fill another thread with my garbage as I play records full of alcohol I thought I would make my own. Come here to hear my musings as I spin records under the influence of whiskey
  18. Murfocakes

    Got two Santana MOFIs. Looking forward to blasting them

    Got two Santana MOFIs. Looking forward to blasting them