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  1. Russ I

  2. Russ I

    Incoming! The New Equipment Thread

    Wait, I thought you were selling the Harbeths. Skylan stands seem more like a commitment to me. ;)
  3. Russ I

    Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year Two Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2024 - 108 Free Records Given Away So Far

    Indeed the goods have arrived! Mentioned in the group DM that the Moon Duo is a trippy listen. Looking forward to spending more time with it. I tried Duke Pearson with the fam and that didn't work out so well haha! So I'm going to have to find time to listen to it alone. Sounds like there are...
  4. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    It's strange that it seems the CLEARANCE50 code only works if you put more than one of these in your cart.
  5. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    I remain hopeful that the details others have posted about oldies eventually sending the initial no-shows will indeed come to pass.
  6. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Went 9 for 11 with my third (of three) oldies order. I will be curious to see whether they ever come through with the titles they didn't fulfill (I think there are a total of 9 for me across three orders). Packaging wasn't quite as effective on this shipment so there are a few minor corner...
  7. Russ I

    Let's See What Makes Your Vinyl Spin!

    Installed a new slab of wood beneath my Garrard. Searched long and hard for a place that offered the size I needed (20" x 26") at a reasonable price and found Rockler. They're having a holiday sale, looks like code v254887 is good for 20% off and I think shipping is free (it was for my order)...
  8. Russ I

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    I do allow for the possibility, or maybe likelihood, that this Steve Wilson mix will be superior.
  9. Russ I

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    Yeah, I looked at it the other way and decided that since I have the 2020 KPG Moondance and the RSD Alternative Moondance with most of these extra tracks, I don't need this 3Lp version. We'll see if I hold to that. ;)
  10. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Sea Change for <$20
  11. Russ I

    Your Collection - By the numbers 2023

    Best to get this done before your mail delivery picks up again. ;)
  12. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Well then that's an easy choice.
  13. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Right you are.
  14. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Got a shipping notice today for my third (of three) order from Already received the first two shipments--I'm 15 for 22. As with others who have posted here, some of the titles I didn't receive are shown as available on the website, but at higher prices. I'm assuming it's a matter of...
  15. Russ I

    New ultrasonic vinyl cleaner in the works: Humminguru

    If the cost of the HG is a dealbreaker, then go for the alternative. But if you can swing it, one of the HG's many charms is that you set it, walk away, then come back to a clean and dry record. Removing a wet record to dry on a second machine, manually, surely would eliminate that charm.
  16. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

  17. Russ I

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    Also Jethro Tull's Aqualung.
  18. Russ I

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    Hmm, yeah, that is intriguing. Thanks for the additional info.
  19. Russ I

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    If anyone who buys this also has the 2020 BoomBoom cut, I'd be interested a comparison. I suppose Kevin Gray would be in a great position to provide one.