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  1. Russ I

    Vinyl Storage Recommendation

    Pretty sure I've posted here before about these very customizable shelving options from Lundia (for those of you looking at various options). They don't offer the kind of contribution to decor that characterizes some of the recent examples posted, but for straightforward, sturdy shelving that...
  2. Russ I

    Incoming! The New Equipment Thread

    What would you use the drawers for on that second option?
  3. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Tone Poet for < $25
  4. Russ I

    Fresh Grabs

    Fun haul!
  5. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Pretty good deal for a 3LP set.
  6. Russ I

    Pre-Order Thread

    That's good news for Sade fans because the records in that box are pretty damn nice.
  7. Russ I

    Vinyl Storage Recommendation

    I'm sure those Olympia crates are very nice so I don't think you can go wrong. There's something very satisfying about that type of solid construction.
  8. Russ I

    Vinyl Storage Recommendation

    I did not, though I don't remember the reason why I opted for a different option, on Etsy. Vinyl Record Storage Cube Vinyl LP Crate for Vinyl LP Storage and Display - Etsy Price seems to have gone up a bit on this, but I can attest to the high quality. I just bought one of the cubes to fill a...
  9. Russ I

    Neil Young

  10. Russ I

    Pre-Order Thread

    Equally (un)likely is that people stop buying more than one copy of an album, in which case variants would become irrelevant.
  11. Russ I

    Vinyl Storage Recommendation

    What, no tall boy?
  12. Russ I

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    Had a unit a lot like this as a kid in the 60's. Ran on D batteries IIRC, and was pretty cool to be able to go mobile with 45's (especially). I'm sure the sound wasn't very good, but that's all we knew back then since most of the music we heard was coming out of transistor radios and, if you...
  13. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    It's back! $7.97 @Dead C...
  14. Russ I

    Vintage Equipment

    I can totally relate to the comfort music can bring. It's great that you are finding a (fun!) way to care for yourself while you help your mom with this undoubtedly difficult transition.
  15. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Good deal for a 2LP set.
  16. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    How low can it go? AMAZON LINK
  17. Russ I


    If nobody wanted what Chad is/has been offering, there'd be no motivation for all the scorn directed at him. Human emotion is so complex....
  18. Russ I

    Pre-Order Thread
  19. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals A Crazy Horse by any other name.
  20. Russ I

    Pre-Order Thread