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  1. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    After some quick forum research I am guessing @Lee Newman was my Santa? What a gift. Both LPs are new to me but your notes have me excited to check them out. Nice assortment of stickers and download codes. But the icing on the cake is the handmade gnome. Love it. It’s like the cousin to one I...
  2. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    And I was wrong! I must have given my home address...a package addressed from Santa was standing outside my door when I went to take out the garbage this morning! Pics to come!
  3. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    Haven’t received anything yet. I think I gave my work address so if my Santa sent them there I am not back in office until Jan 4 so Christmas will continue into 2021!
  4. Mtcvinyl

    Immerse Your Soul In Love - The Radiohead Thread

    Anyone check out this full album cover of The Bends by Rosie Carney? It is really quite lovely.
  5. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    So happy they made it! That trip into the USPS unknown was peaking my anxiety! I hope you enjoy them all. Merry Christmas!
  6. Mtcvinyl

    The N&G Top 500 Albums of All Time!!!

    Here is mine.
  7. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    And now it has gone into the black hole of usps. Arrived in your home state (about 90 mins from shipping address) and now delivery date is no longer estimated only “on its way to destination.”
  8. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    Santee, maybe today is the day. Tracking shows the package landed in your state yesterday afternoon so possibly delivery today??
  9. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    LPs are in the mail!! Bummer I see a seam split on one of them but hey can’t be worse than what you would get from VMP. I went crazy with priority so you should see this on Thursday!!
  10. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    Will mask up and hit the post office tomorrow. 3 🔥 albums on their way to my santee! Hope you dig em.
  11. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    Waiting on one more delivery so I can gift wrap everything and repackage to my Santee! Hopefully in the mail on Tuesday.
  12. Mtcvinyl

    sad, beautiful, tragic: the n&g taylor swift thread

    And its not super pricey. 70 bucks for a year isn't too bad
  13. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    Have @gouis reach out to them for the info. I hope it isn’t me, I would look pretty stupid if so...haha
  14. Mtcvinyl

    The N&G Top 500 Albums of All Time!!!

    Finishing it top ten
  15. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa - 2020

    Got my santee and made some orders going to attempt to ship to me and turn them around so I can at least add a note with my reasons for each album. I can have that ready for when the records arrive to me so I will turn them around in enough time I hope!!
  16. Mtcvinyl

    The N&G Top 500 Albums of All Time!!!

    Here is my 20-11, I have been severely distracted by the craziness happening over in the PIF thread for PIFSGIVING.
  17. Mtcvinyl

    The N&G Top 500 Albums of All Time!!!

    Beach House - 7 is on my list too. Everyone swoons over Bloom and then early albums, but 7 just gets under my skin from the first moment I heard the album.
  18. Mtcvinyl

    The N&G Top 500 Albums of All Time!!!

    Mtcvinyl 30-21
  19. Mtcvinyl

    The N&G Top 500 Albums of All Time!!!

    Mtcvinyl 40-31
  20. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    I received mine from polyvinyl last friday