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  1. nolalady

    New Music Friday!

    This is me this year. I just have no time. I think it’s the whole 5 kids thing. One of us! One of us!
  2. nolalady

    December Vinyl Spins Challenge

    Day 2: an awesome sophomore effort Since @Joe Mac posted his Spotify wrapped, I have to play a little Bjork for him. While my favorite of her albums is Vespertine, no one can argue that Post is all killer, no filler
  3. nolalady

    Photos of where you live

    Snow what!? I don’t think I can handle all this northern stuff.
  4. nolalady

    Photos of where you live

    Ohhhhh so many memories… We got some snow a couple days ago. It melted by noon but they canceled school over it anyway.
  5. nolalady

    Do you make stuff?

    Yes!! The canvas. I really like when paint is heavily applied and produces texture. I am a huge fan of Impressionism.
  6. nolalady

    Best Music 🎶 of 2024!

    I knew it was cool when my 13 year old started referencing it. But really, it’s funny what we connect on and reminds me of the joke that Ed Sheeran makes music that both mom and daughter can enjoy on their way to volleyball practice. Charli makes music that both odd ball ex-punk/art pop music...
  7. nolalady

    Music News / Reviews

    Okay, late stage capitalism, go home. You are clearly drunk.
  8. nolalady

    @THEEDADROCK.BLOG living up to your name

    @THEEDADROCK.BLOG living up to your name
  9. nolalady

    Do you make stuff?

    I am totally in love with the blue piece!!
  10. nolalady


  11. nolalady

    Spotify Wrapped (share what you've been listening to!)

    I think this was my year of being a pop princess
  12. nolalady

    December Vinyl Spins Challenge

    So, um, this isn’t jazz. Is this how it works? ETA Day 1
  13. nolalady

    Missy Higgins - The Sound of White is a perfect album. That is all.

    Missy Higgins - The Sound of White is a perfect album. That is all.
  14. nolalady

    November Challenge Thread: All-Stars Edition!

    I have a lot of catching up to do. Last week was a doozy for me and I was having trouble wanting to play the punk albums I had for war. I really needed something a lot more mellow due to some unforeseen migraines. I did play day 12 as a record that @zomgbear hyped in JQBX. I promise to play...
  15. nolalady

    Photos of where you live

    View from Grandfather Mountain, which is a few hours away from me.
  16. nolalady

    November Challenge Thread: All-Stars Edition!

    Day 10: although the members of Bad Religion have done a ton of other projects/bands, I don’t seem to have any of these on vinyl so I have to go with streaming for this pick. Both Greg Heston and Lucky Lerher played for both the Circle Jerks and Bad Religion. Circle Jerks- Group Sex
  17. nolalady

    November Challenge Thread: All-Stars Edition!

    Brett Gurewitz, the guitarist for Bad Religion, is also a founder of Epitaph Records and producer of some great albums and artists including NoFX. NoFX lead singer Fat Mike also is the lead singer for Me First and the Gimme Gimmes and they have been known to do a cover of Heroes from David...
  18. nolalady

    November Challenge Thread: All-Stars Edition!

    Day 8: That band When I was 15, I moved from a very small town to the suburbs of NOLA. I had never liked the radio friendly country music that all of my friends in Mississippi loved, but I didn’t know what I liked until I started hanging out with the kids in Louisiana. I found punk rock music...
  19. nolalady

    1Q84 by Haruki Murakami is a wild ride.

    1Q84 by Haruki Murakami is a wild ride.