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  1. nolalady


  2. nolalady

    Field destroy?

    Field destroy?
  3. nolalady

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!
  4. nolalady

    Chelsea Wolfe tonight!!!

    Chelsea Wolfe tonight!!!
  5. nolalady

    Pre-Order Thread

    I hate this.....and I want it....
  6. nolalady

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!
  7. nolalady

    Keep talking....

    Keep talking....
  8. nolalady

    New Music Friday!

    Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven Liking the singles from this one.
  9. nolalady

    IDLES is a band that's best live. I need to go listen to the new album now.

    IDLES is a band that's best live. I need to go listen to the new album now.
  10. nolalady

    When my kids were very small they used to call CD's "little records".

    When my kids were very small they used to call CD's "little records".
  11. nolalady

    Happy Birthday @avecigrec !!!

    Happy Birthday @avecigrec !!!
  12. nolalady

    Happy Birthday @Thackeraye !!

    Happy Birthday @Thackeraye !!
  13. nolalady

    Happy Birthday @THEEDADROCK.BLOG !!

    Happy Birthday @THEEDADROCK.BLOG !!
  14. nolalady

    Music News / Reviews

    This is the most Liam Gallagher thing I’ve ever seen. Classic quote: “I don’t need some wank award by some geriatric in a cowboy hat,” he further explained. @Joe Mac thought of you...
  15. nolalady

    New Music Friday!

    @Rip_City, @debianlinux found this one just from the tags and put it on our playlist this weekend. I think you might dig it. I am really enjoying it and considering getting a physical copy of its available.
  16. nolalady

    Pre-Order Thread

    2024: Butts, butts, butts
  17. nolalady

    @Joe Mac thanks for tagging me, otherwise I would have been surprised by the @Lee Newman in our...

    @Joe Mac thanks for tagging me, otherwise I would have been surprised by the @Lee Newman in our basement that is feeling more and more evident. I am going to suspend judgment based on the gluten free treat(s) he brings to appease me.
  18. nolalady

    "Get in the kitchen and make me some pie!" - Recipes & Cooking Thread

    I am going to try my hand at GF garlic knots, probably this weekend. I have some flour I got from Italy that is supposed to make good pizza crust. The recipe calls for flour, salt, baking powder, and full fat Greek yogurt. I will tell you how it turned out. Flour for reference: I used to make...
  19. nolalady


  20. nolalady

    @zomgbear monkey-fied snakes!!! That made my day.

    @zomgbear monkey-fied snakes!!! That made my day.