Search results

  1. Ericj32

    WRASSLIN'! (let's talk wrestling here?)

    I'm trying to figure out how the multiple weekly shows fit together, too - like AEW has Dynamite and Rampage each week in addition to their "elevation" and "battle of the belts" shows. And WWE has "raw" on mondays" and "smackdown" on Fridays" and "NXT" some other time.
  2. Ericj32

    WRASSLIN'! (let's talk wrestling here?)

    Is there a way to start at the beginning of All Elite Wrestling? I watched Season 5 Episode 8 last night. But after seeing how much WWE content there is on peacock, I was surprised that the back catalog (which only goes back to 2019) for AEW doesn't appear to be available anywhere for streaming.
  3. Ericj32

    Record Store Day 2023

    The Bill Evans was 3LPs and I got it for $75, but sure. EDIT: sold here's one for $65 US, if anyone is looking: Buy Evans, Bill Treasures: Solo, Trio & Orchestra Recordings From Denmark (1965-1969) - RSD 2023 APRIL - 8435395503256!
  4. Ericj32

    Record Store Day 2023

    I talked myself back into the Grateful Dead box while seeing it and holding it in my hands.
  5. Ericj32


    Just met Zev in my local store at record store day. He thanked me for buying the bill evans set that was released today and said they have more on the way. He also mentioned this Jazz Detective label. I guess he just moved to the DC area.
  6. Ericj32

    Record Store Day 2023

    Met Zev Feldman in the store and he thanked me for buying the Bill Evans.!
  7. Ericj32

    Record Store Day 2023

    I’m like 30 or 40 from the front here in Alexandria, VA. Got excited because I didn’t see any line when I walked up from around the corner, but apparently this year someone decided to line up in the OTHER direction lol.
  8. Ericj32

    Record Store Day 2023

    One present for each of your birthdays!
  9. Ericj32

    WRASSLIN'! (let's talk wrestling here?)

    Found this: A Guide to Watching Pro-Wrestling
  10. Ericj32

    WRASSLIN'! (let's talk wrestling here?)

    The completionist in me recoils at the thought of jumping in somewhere where I don't have all of the backstory on who these people are and why they're fighting each other. I just went into WCW and found the episode that aired on the day I was born, haha. Before the match, the announcer gave...
  11. Ericj32

    WRASSLIN'! (let's talk wrestling here?)

    I was exploring all of the offerings on Peacock and saw that they have a whole section dedicated to WWE (separate from "Sports"). It's wild to me that they categorize everything on the app into "Movies", "TV Shows", "Sports", and then "WWE" - haha. I clicked through it and was completely lost...
  12. Ericj32

    Record Store Day 2023

    I think it's easier for me to say no to this one precisely BECAUSE I missed out on Cornell 77, haha. I don't have the Buffalo set from a few years ago, either - so I'd be starting, rather than completing a collection of these.
  13. Ericj32

    Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 47 - May 2023 /// Ages and Ages "Me You They We"

    Thank you for indulging me and playing along! It was both more time-consuming and more fun than I'd anticipated. Looking forward to your thread next month!
  14. Ericj32

    Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 47 - May 2023 /// Ages and Ages "Me You They We"

    Yeah the first record has been sold out for a while. I was going to ask about that as part of the Q&A. It's the only one I don't own on vinyl, but it's only my third favorite, after Me You They We (#1) and Divisionary (#2).
  15. Ericj32

    Record Store Day 2023

    I've decided that I maybe don't need the Boston Garden live show 5lp set. Can someone talk me out of the Bill Evans 3 LP set next? Bullmoose has it for $65 which isn't bad. and the three singles on spotify from it are nice. Also wanting the live Pixies album and the Soul Jazz presents the...
  16. Ericj32

    Record Store Day 2023

    Luna records in Franklin, TN and Yellow Dog Discs in wilmington, NC are my go-to stores for buying RSD stuff online. And obviously Plaid Room, too.
  17. Ericj32

    Pre-Order Thread

    looks cheaper here: A Box of Dreams (6LP Box)
  18. Ericj32

    Record Store Day 2023

    The sheer volume of advertisements made me cranky, but I let it keep running in the background just because I'm a completionist.
  19. Ericj32

    Online Vinyl Deals

    It's the RSD Black Friday release from Resonance records from 2019 I didn't know much about it but saw some positive comments in this thread and decided to take a chance at this price.
  20. Ericj32

    Online Vinyl Deals

    This was delivered yesterday. Packed really well. I feel like sometimes I see people post here about issues they've had with deep discount shipping things timely, but I've never had any reason to complain (yet).