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  1. Jango

    Audio Hardware Deals: Speakers, Headphones, Turntables, Etc.

    So they’re good cables then?
  2. Jango

    Audio Hardware Deals: Speakers, Headphones, Turntables, Etc.

    Just a heads up that Fidelis in New Hampshire not only has a new online store, but there is also a pre-owned section. There are deals to be had!
  3. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    There was a time when I was content with these. Then a friend brought over some Shunyatas and showed me how little I know about electricity.
  4. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    I found some Millard 12ax7s that I haven’t used in years. They sound better than any of the others that I’ve tried in the Jolida; bass, very good midrange, gently rolled off highs. I want to compare it with some of the others when they’re warmed up.
  5. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    If I wanted to A/B tubes, how long should I let the B tube warm up before listening?
  6. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    Is there a benefit to using the same brand of power cable throughout your system? I have one, a Shunyata Venom, but I need one to two others.
  7. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    Any ac power cable recommendations in the $100–$200 range?
  8. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    Nice setup. What are those speakers?
  9. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    Listening to the Tung-Sol 12AX7 now and it’s probably closest to the JJ Gold Pin, but with a nice and wide soundstage. Bass is good. I also tried the 8ohm taps VERY briefly and it was non-starter with these speakers. The bass really dropped and the sound was very thin. The upper mids to treble...
  10. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    My Focal 826v are rated at 8ohms but dip down to 2.9ohms in the upper bass, so I went to the 4ohm taps first. Haven’t tried 8 yet.
  11. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    I haven't tried that. The table is grounded to the Sutherland.
  12. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    So here's the two-day hot take on the Jolida 801 I picked up from @kvetcha. This is the first tube amp I've had in ages; I think I was still using a Gemini table with a plastic platter at the time, and the amp wasn't very good either. I'm loving the added midrange. Vocals are much more...
  13. Jango

    Woah. If a few of us went over there we could take the entire thing. I bet some record shops are...

    Woah. If a few of us went over there we could take the entire thing. I bet some record shops are on this already.
  14. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    I don’t care what Beyoncé thinks, you’re a Decware to me. :p
  15. Jango

    Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary Review

    My Focals are 8ohms and dip down to 2.9 @118Hz!
  16. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    Instead of diving into tubes, I decided to dip my toe in by snapping up @kvetcha’s Jolida. Then I’ll be able to make a better decision on what direction I go with tubes. If I end up replacing the Focals with say a pair of Zu Souls (cough, cough, @hifiguy), I can take a good look at some SETs...
  17. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    Hey all, “I did a thing.”
  18. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    What makes you say you need a preamp for the Torii?
  19. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    The only thing I could come up with is that the ride in the trunk shifted something just enough that it started working again. That felt like I was reaching, but I have no other explanation at the moment.
  20. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    Did you figure out the issue you were having with the crossovers in your Fortes?